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Marseille: the cry of anger of the Jewish community

It was in front of the Marseille Courthouse that a rally was held at the call of Crif Marseille-Provence in the presence of numerous elected officials from the left to the extreme right in a climate of tension, LFI but more broadly the New Popular Front and the mayor of Marseille being booed.

Rally in Marseille against anti-Semitism (Photo Joëlle Manchion)

However, from the start of the gathering the organizers, through the voice of Raymond Arouch, former president of the Fleg Center, had called for seriousness, invited calm and dignity. “ We are here to say, with one voice, Stop the Hate, Stop the Hate of the Jew, Stop the Hate of Israel», insists Raymond Arouch who recalls that “Hatred of Israel today is one of the main drivers of hatred of the Jew and since October 7, anti-Semitic acts have reached dramatic records. This virus from which we thought we were immune is spreading again, threatening the foundations of our French Republic “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”. Our community is simultaneously worried, sad, and angry at all the hate mongers, but we are here today to say, ‘You won’t get ours.'”. And to warn: “ It escapes no one that we are in the legislative campaign period, but we do not wish to be used for the benefit of this or that political party, because the situation is far too serious. ».

“Is France still capable of protecting us? »

Fabienne Bendayan, president of Crif Marseille-Provence, asks: “Is France still capable of protecting us? Families who have raised the Mezuzah at the entrance to their homes, people who remove their names from their mailboxes so as not to be identified as Jews… enough is enough. Students who give up their studies because the climate in universities has become suffocating… enough is enough. Jewish students being attacked leaving the cinema… enough is enough. A 12-year-old child raped because she’s Jewish… that’s enough.” For the president of Crif: “ Dams have fallen, red lines have been crossed. Yes, the cup is full because the Republican rampart is suffering in the face of the anti-Semitic wave. An anti-Semitism that explodes, 1,667 anti-Semitic acts in 2023, plus 1,000% “. And to warn against those “ who demand radical change but do not yet have the respectability claimed “, in short the RN before also attacking the gathering on the left, with Jean-Luc Mélenchon” who claims that anti-Semitism is residual ” with “ a hatred of Israel which becomes a pretext for anti-Semitism while we ignore the millions of deaths from other conflicts“. Fabienne Bendayan points out: “Anti-Semitism is not a problem for Jews, it is a problem that concerns us all. Today I am launching an appeal: stop the hatred. We need all our fellow citizens. Let us be strong, let us be numerous to fight without compromise, without giving in to anti-Semitism. Today it is a question of civilization that brings us together.

“We have no confidence in the statements of France Insoumise or its henchmen”

The statement is intended to be unifying, that of Benjamin Allouche, treasurer of Crif, representing Yonathan Arfi, President of Crif National, will be much less so. He talks about “agreements and declarations of certain honeyed people who call themselves the New Popular Front », addresses a part of the public who boos, and affirms: “I reassure you we have no confidence in the declarations of France Insoumise or its henchmen.”

Father Patrick Desbois urges the Islamic authorities to declare that there is nothing legal about raping or killing a person because they would be kouffar (non-believers in Allah). While, among the demonstrators, Mohamed calls for unity and education to fight racism and anti-Semitism. Present in the audience, Secretary of State Sabrina Agresti-Roubache asserts: “We will never give in to those who advocate hatred of others, we will never give in to those who stir up hatred of the Jew. Anti-Semitism, wherever it comes from, has no place in our Republic. Let’s fight it together, everywhere, with all our strength. »

“The first victims of Daesh are Muslims”

Raymond Arouch souligne : « We often deplore the silence of Muslim compatriots who are in a spirit of republican fraternity and who do not recognize themselves in radical Islam. So, I call, to my side, Christian Jean, General Delegate of the Muslim chaplaincy of France; He represents a voice of hope and he comes to say with us, Stop Hate ».

Christian Jean quotes Baudelaire before considering: “ This evening we are all sad and that should not lead us to oppose religions. No, Islam does not demand that Jews be killed. No, Islam does not ask that we kill the kuffar “. And to remind: “ The first victims of Daesh are Muslims, the first victims in Afghanistan are Muslims, the first victims in Algeria during the Black Decade are Muslims. So let’s not miss the target.” He pursues : “ I would like to talk about Camus who said: “I am not sure of what interests me but I am sure of what does not interest me. The world does not interest me, my world is not that” » Christian Jean indicates: “ My world is that of little hats, that’s what I called the Jews, on Fridays, when I was a kid and my mother explained to me that it was Shabbat. Well I want to see the little hats again in the streets of Marseille. I want you to remain what you are because you are France and you are Marseille.»

Socialist senator Marie-Arlette Carlotti is present at the demonstration and she does not hide her dissatisfaction: “ I have always been close to the Jewish community of Marseille and the Jews of France because they are French like us, because they carry the values ​​of the Republic, like us, and when they suffer it is the Republic that suffers. and me too. I have always been there and I will still be there tomorrow. “But to admit: ” This evening I suffered from the RN not being whistled. I am PS, I am from Léon Blum’s Party. My ancestors fought against the anti-Dreyfusards. We have always stood alongside the Jewish community and, if tomorrow something happens in France, it is in my home that they will come to hide and it is me who will protect them, not the RN ».

Rabbi Haim Haddad, at the end of the gathering, considers: “ We can put under the sign of the suffering that afflicts us today the remarks made. But everyone perceives that if we throw oil on the fire unfortunately the flames rise. And, under the sign of pain things were said that did not go in the direction of this meeting but we can understand it. As we can understand that Jewish society is republican and balanced in its outlook. I think it is. But there have been unfortunate words in the last few months that have influenced the speeches that we have heard this evening. And, personally, I regret that we do not keep the secret of the ballot box to ourselves.

Video report Joël BARCY, editorial staff Michel CAIRE


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