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Serious fall while cycling on the Reculée promenade in Angers in 2020: the Department responsible?

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A mooring chain which blocked the towpath from Reculée to Angers (Maine-et-Loire) left a cyclist quadriplegic in 2020. The administrative court of Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) had to rule on who was responsible between the Department or the City.

In 2020, a cyclist seriously fell on the Reculée promenade in Angers, leaving him quadriplegic, four years after the administrative justice of Nantes looked into the case to find out who from the city or the department was responsible. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

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  • In 2020, a cyclist seriously fell on the Reculée promenade in Angers, leaving him quadriplegic, four years after the administrative justice of Nantes looked into the case to find out who from the city or the department was responsible. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

May 21, 2020. A cyclist takes advantage of his newfound freedom, a few days after the end of confinement, walk from Reculée to Angers (Maine-et-Loire). A wild mooring chain, 30 cm from the ground, which crosses the towpath, precipitates a fall which will leave him quadriplegic.

Read also: Twenty-four years later, the Angers University Hospital may have to compensate a family

A little more than four years after the events, it was at the administrative court of Nantes (Loire-Atlantique)…


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