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the CNB provides its support – Gazette du Palais

The National Bar Council supports a lawyer who was attacked by two individuals in her building lobby as she returned home.

This lawyer from Nancy represents the AS Nancy Lorraine football club (ASNL) before the industrial tribunal following the wave of dismissals affecting the club. Plunged into a deleterious climate after several successive sporting demotions, the ASNL sees its status as a professional club being threatened, therefore launched a social restructuring plan in September 2023. Several people dismissed by the club have decided to take this measure to court.

While a first lawyer was threatened with death in January 2024, this time two individuals physically attacked another colleague linked to the club. The latter would have mentioned her status as a lawyer and her action in connection with the wave of economic layoffs.

Through a press release on its X account, the National Bar Council (CNB) provides its support to their Nancy colleague who was attacked for practicing her profession. He recalls in his press release that “when a lawyer is attacked in the course of his duties, it is the ability of all of us to access and exercise our rights which is prevented”.

Yanis Bouhaddane


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