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In Carpentras, the entrepreneur incubator changes president

The announcement of his resignation was not really a surprise. Louis Terrier handed over the reins on June 17, after 12 years of active presidency of the Rile business incubator, an association providing support, advice and support for project leaders, creators and heads of young businesses. In front of Jacqueline Bouyac, president of the CoVe, and Jean-François Sénac for the town hall of Carpentras, Louis Terrier took stock of the past financial year, presented the current prospects and thanked the teams who did not “left the boat in difficulties”before appointing the new president.

The move to 600 m² of spacious premises at the Porte d’Orange, in the heart of the city’s priority district (QPV), in fact marked a significant restart with 518 people welcomed – 426 project leaders led to the creation of 103 companies, and 92 business leaders are supported over the long term.

Offices in four locations

“It couldn’t be simpler, we enter the Rile and we talk business!” The director, Benjamin Rocchia, insisted on the walk-in reception spread over four permanent locations affecting eight communities of municipalities and towns in the greater Comtat region. “The CoVe concentrates 50% of the ‘My 1st office – My 1st factory’ actions. The Sorgues du Comtat agglomeration community represents the second largest area.”

The increase in reception and support for project leaders pushed Rile to apply to join the Carrefour de l’entrepreneurship supported by BPI France. This accelerator would make it possible to strengthen the visibility and actions of the nursery, and to recruit an additional person, the three employees having almost reached the limits of reception possibilities.

Alain Giély, a new president with an atypical background

At the end of the general meeting, the assembled office proceeded to the election of the new president in the person of Alain Giély, until then treasurer of the Rile. A local child, he spent his childhood in Mormoiron. After the Fabre high school in Carpentras, he continued his studies in economic sciences in Aix-en-Provence, then at ESSEC in Paris. His professional career as a management controller for the Renault group and its subsidiaries took him to Mexico, Turkey, the former Yugoslavia, and even Spain.

In the 1980s, Alain Giély followed the establishment of Renault in the United States and the Netherlands. Returning to France in the early 1990s, he settled with his wife and three children in Carpentras, in the country house of his great-grandfather, a town bailiff. He holds the position of administrative and financial director in mass distribution and tourism.

In the middle of the decade, he created an accounting firm specializing in small businesses and support in the tax, social and heritage areas. Then an accounting company, opened in 2011, focused on supporting the liberal professions. The entrepreneurial dynamism of Alain Giély resonates with the DNA of Rile, which he joined in 1994.

In parallel with his new presidency, Alain Giély is a voluntary member of the board of directors of Biocoop de Carpentras and of the Aden Conseil company, business creation-legal and tax. Many activities that he intends to carry out simultaneously!



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