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here Soustons (40140): continuous news and information from your city

The city: Soustons

Discover some practical information about the demographics of Soustons

The number of inhabitants of Soustons was estimated at 8,056 in 2018. Its density was 74.5 inhabitants/square kilometer over an area of ​​108.1 km². In terms of population density, this municipality then occupied 52nd place within the Landes department.

Discover the key figures for housing in Soustons

Soustons has nearly 6,500 housing units spread over an area of ​​108.1 km² to accommodate its 8,056 inhabitants. The municipality has a housing density of 0.6 log/ha and a population density of 74.5 inhabitants per km². The housing density is identical to the French average while the population density is lower (0.6 log/ha and 106 inhabitants/km²).

What are the characteristics of the distribution of housing within the municipality

In the city, there are currently a greater proportion of owners than renters. Around 65.9% of main residences are occupied by owners compared to 34.1% occupied by tenants (including 2.9% free of charge). Among all homes in Soustons, 36.4% are second homes, 3.9% vacant homes and 59.6% primary residences. Furthermore, social housing represents 4.6% of the latter. The majority of the 3,866 households settled recently (between 2 and 4 years ago) in the locality.

Discover the key figures for the distribution of rooms in local housing

The majority of housing in the city is houses (59%). These are essentially 4-room family houses (35.5% of the total number of houses) with a surface area generally between 80 and 100 m². There are also many 5-room family houses (25.4%). Most of them date from between 1971 and 1990. The apartments, fewer in number (2,651), are mainly made up of 3 rooms. Most often, their surface area is between 60 and 80 m². The apartments mostly date from between 2006 and 2015.

What are the characteristics of Soustons taxes?

There are, in total, 5,379 tax households in Soustons. Around 47.6% of the latter are below the tax threshold, compared to 51.4% for the department and 50.2% across . The locality has a median annual income of €22,370, €750 more than that of the department. The income tax for residents of Soustons is on average €1,519 per tax household. The latter is therefore higher than that of Landes which amounts to €1,236. On the other hand, 46.8% of households report receiving a pension or retirement.

Tax households declaring a reference tax income below 50,000 euros pay almost 29.9% of the total amount of income tax in this city. The contribution from households declaring an annual income greater than 100,000 euros is 34.6% of the municipality's net tax.

Discover the key employment figures in Soustons

Of the 4,530 inhabitants aged 15 to 64 in Soustons in 2018, 3,392 were active, which represents an activity rate of 74.88%. This is 2.98 points more than the countrywide, where the activity rate reached 71.9%.

The unemployment rate stood at 13.74% in the locality, with 466 workers unemployed. The share of unemployed was then 4.64 points higher than at the national level, where the unemployment rate was 9.1%.

Unemployment rate by CSP in Soustons

In 2018, in Soustons, the socio-professional category most affected by unemployment was that of employees, of which 19.11% of workers were unemployed. Next came workers (15.17%), intermediate professions (9.64%), managers (7.21%) and traders, craftsmen and business leaders (2.25%). Among the 24 farmers in the municipality, all were busy.


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