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See Surf starts its surfing initiation season for the visually impaired

After sessions dedicated to training volunteers, See Surf officially launched its season during an introductory surfing day for the visually impaired, Sunday June 16 in Lacanau…

After sessions dedicated to training volunteers, See Surf officially launched its season during an introduction to surfing day for the visually impaired, Sunday June 16 in Lacanau Océan. A new organization participated in this day, the Institute for Young Blind People of Toulouse (IJA).

Despite tough sea conditions, especially in the morning, the six Seesurfers, including four from the IJA, took advantage of the waves and the foam for a long time. A dynamic team made up of 20 volunteers, four of whom were just trained, ensured the safety of the participants. Massai, guide dog, also helped out by monitoring the equipment on the sand.

The beginners have managed to stand up on their board and are “ready to repeat the adventure”. The most experienced continued to improve thanks to the wise advice of volunteers and members of the board of directors. An instructor from the Lacanau Surf Club, Pauline, also greatly contributed to the progress of the young people.

An “excellent session”

This day full of meetings brought together a total of 32 people. After this “excellent session” and the many smiles that brightened the day, new appointments have already been made in Royan then Oloron-Sainte-Marie for a day of discovering rafting (1).

Based in Villenave-d’Ornon, the See Surf association works to open the discipline to all and support the visually impaired in this new adventure, the promise of autonomy. Its purpose is socio-sporting actions carried out through the development of a mutual aid network, made up of able-bodied and disabled people. Its actions are based on the values ​​of mutual aid and exchanges around the practice of surfing. They also make it possible to raise awareness among able-bodied people of disability and its constraints.

Many events are organized with the help of patrons, sponsors and partners so that people with disabilities can overcome the isolation created by their situation.

(1) Information on


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