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Montpellier: a police officer injures his arm while trying to stop a fleeing driver


Jean-Marc Aubert

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 10:20 a.m.

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And national policeman who tried to stop a driver, Friday evening, at Montpellier was injured while handling his baton. The fugitive is wanted.

Friday June 21 around 6:15 p.m., a patrol from the central police station spotted a rental car in speeding, on an artery in the Mosson district. The officers then signal the driver to stop to carry out a check. But he refuses to comply and continues the road at high speed for several hundred meters.

Finally, the driver was caught and the vehicle immobilized. A peace officer then approaches the driver’s door and the driver refuses to leave his seat. And who refuses to open the door he has locked.

The police officer then decides to break the side window with his baton, but he injures his forearm. Taking advantage of the confusion, the driver suddenly restarts and sets off again at high speed. While the police officer with a minor wound is taken care of, the alert is given and the registration, characteristics (model, color, etc.) of the rental car, as well as the report of the driver are broadcast to all patrols, in vain.

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The fugitive who could not be located is wanted. Why did he refuse to submit to this police check? Was he drunk? Under narcotics? Is he on the run? Investigators contacted the rental agency to advance their investigations.

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