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Senegal: WB disburses $310 million for water resources management

To improve sanitation and water resources management services, the World Bank has released a considerable sum for Senegal. This involves funding of more than $310 million to support the new Senegalese authorities in improving the needs of citizens.

Water resources management: the World Bank provides significant financing to Senegal

The World Bank has provided financial support to Senegal to ensure the best effective and efficient management of water resources in the country. Thus, more than 310 million dollars were validated by the BM on Friday June 21, 2024. The financing of this institution will be carried out in two tranches.

According to the basic criteria of the study project, 200 million dollars of the 310 will be devoted to ensuring the management of water resources. The main objective of the Integrated Water and Sanitation Security Program in Senegal (PISEA) is to improve access to drinking water and sanitation, as well as strengthening resilience to water risks. floods and droughts.

Also, what the authorities are aiming for, for this program, is to be able to reach more than 7 million people nationally, precisely 3,000 farmers who will be able to irrigate more than 600 hectares thanks to the use of wastewater. processed.

In reality, according to the distribution made, 200 million dollars will be devoted to the management of water resources and 110 million dollars will be intended for the Support Program for Communes and Agglomerations of Senegal (PACASEN). The main purpose of the 110 million dollars reserved for the governance of local authorities is to “intensify efforts to improve the financing of local authorities and their management of public investments. »

Furthermore, it should be noted that the new Senegalese authorities did not receive this financial aid only from the World Bank. Thus, other international associations provided financial assistance. This is the International Development Association (IDA), which for its part released around 50 million dollars. Funding which is the fruit of the contribution of the French Development Agency (AFD) and the effort of the government itself.

However, it should be noted that this gesture by the WB demonstrates the desire of this financial institution to support the Senegalese authorities in the development of the country.



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