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Hyères: La Boîte Immo puts intelligence on all floors

Born from innovation, nugget of French Tech within the Toulouse metropolis and well beyond, the La Boîte Immo group is taking a step forward by democratizing the use of artificial intelligence (AI) from real estate agents.One year of work in R&Dhas made it possible to achieve a new technological brick taking a giant step forward in its business real estate management software, already “ revolutionaries », constantly improved for more than 15 years (18 years if we go back to the first concept).

“We could not ignore the opportunities offered by AI to give voice to our digital solutions, which radically changes the relationship between the user and our historic Hektor software”, explains CEO Olivier Bugette. “ In summary, we have moved from a professional environment with mouse and keyboard to a voice relationship where you can talk to him, he understands and he responds. This modern communication is also, and this is most important, very efficient on all subjects inherent to the management of real estate, raising the range of services. »

Now it is possible to control the tool by voice so that he can establish the product sheet, the customer sheet, carry out complete legal or regulatory research, and many other relevant possibilities, allowing a more fluid and personalized relationship.

“It’s a real paradigm shift, continues Olivier Bugetteallowing the professional to free up administrative time to better do their job and concentrate on human relations. »

Artificial intelligence at no extra cost

No big replacement in this case by ChatGPT, but certainly a major upheaval in view of the capacities developed, the open evolution and the weight on the market of La Boîte Immo. Number one among independents in France, with 8,500 agencies and 45,000 daily users united within its Interkab label, growing again by 10% last year (+10% in turnover to 23.5 million euros), now counting 207 people (+60 in 2023) with an average age of 30 age, the group has at least a certain impact in its sector (30% market share).

Cross-referencing needs with his skills and service DNA, the CEO decided to make this “Hektor Voice” available to all his clients., without additional cost (!). A particularly appreciated loyalty approach, as is the use of this innovative application for less than a month, the feedback from which is apparently numerous and laudatory. Having acquired his leadership with methodology and consistency in ideas, he continues his winning path by giving himself the means to maintain it, putting situational intelligence at all levels.

(Photo credit: O. Réal) – A flagship of French Tech, located in Hyères.

Furthermore, another intelligent innovation augmented by AI, but this one requires a fee, “Smartpix”, including photo editing and home staging virtuel. This mobile application easily transforms empty spaces, under construction or to be redecorated, into modern and warm interiors, so that future buyers can project themselves and sellers can present the full potential of their properties.

So many facilitations in the real estate commercial relationship to demonstrate that the best is not the enemy of the good.


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