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Legislative: macronism, “it’s over”, says Hollande in the campaign: News

Macronism is “a moment that was long”, which was “costly politically” but which “is over”, declared Saturday during an interview with AFP the former socialist president François Hollande, in campaign for the legislative elections in Corrèze under the banner of the New Popular Front.

QUESTION: Why this application?

ANSWER: “I had not planned to put myself in any election, in the position that was mine, a serious event had to occur. The European elections were a shock because the level of the RN was high but this did not justify a dissolution. This risk-taking which was the choice of Emmanuel Macron justified that there be responses in relation to the seriousness of the moment. Among them, there is the union of a left. who found herself in an emergency without hiding her differences And myself to say to myself: +what should I do in this circumstance where the extreme right could come to power tomorrow, or very close to it. power if we are to believe the estimates, and with another risk which is that of instability, that is to say that no majority emerges the day after the election.”

Q: Do you have other ambitions behind it?

A: “No, none. I have already been president, why become a deputy again? There is no presidential election. What would be the point? I could have very well, if I had, let’s say , aiming for 2027, telling myself: +I’m going to stay on my mountain of Tulle and then watch the chaos to possibly be a recourse+ But that doesn’t work anymore (…) I won’t be one. MP like the others, for sure I will be a MP who will have to call for responsibility in all circumstances. That is to say whatever the outcome of the vote, taking into account the position that was taken. mine, also taking into account my experience, I will be a deputy who will be both vigilant and committed to finding solutions.”

Q: What do you respond to criticism of the alliance with LFI and Jean-Luc Mélenchon?

A: “I hear them. I am not going to say that I have, in terms of method and substance, the same attitude as Jean-Luc Mélenchon, nor the same position. I place myself within the framework of a union , because it must be done, but without any form of confusion and I think that, moreover, at this moment, Jean-Luc Mélenchon should rather be discreet, because he must still measure the degree of hostility. on his person, in any case on his expressions, his silence, his withdrawal would undoubtedly be desirable for many candidates, including LFI, since we know very well that there are also divisions within LFI Everyone. knows what I did, the relationships I had with him as with others, the clarity of what I can express on questions of anti-Semitism or racism.”

Q: Do you have revenge to take on Emmanuel Macron?

E: “No. I think it was Édouard Philippe who summed up the situation best, that is to say that Macronism is over. If it ever existed, but it’s over , I say it without any particular hostility. I have no score to settle. Not at all. And anyway, he is not a candidate for his own succession. mandate ends, that’s something else But what he was able, at one point, to represent, it was over. It was costly on the political level because the excess was a dissolution in the literal sense. of the term. The parties have still been damaged a lot. The far right has never been so strong. It’s a long time, but it’s over. to recomposition.”

Comments collected by Jean DÉCOTTE


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