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Superstar brats! – City of Pantin

«  Cis an extraordinary project, an incredible opportunity for children,marvels Sabrina Fekkane, teacher of one of the two CM1-CM2 classes at the Marcel-Cachin school taking part in the La Cité des marmots educational project. They are super invested. Some reveal skills that they have not shown in class until now. »

Deliver a message

Since the start of the year, 45 children from Courtillières have discovered the repertoire and commitments of Angélique Kidjo as part of the system supported by the Cities of World Music association. Every week, on Thursday morning, they learn to sing eight songs by the Franco-Beninese diva in chorus. “They sing in a language of Benin, Fon,explains Samia Diar, the chorister who has been working at the Cachin school since January. We use a phonetic method, but we took the time to translate the words so that they clearly understand the scope of the texts which evoke freedom in particular. »

Friday March 29, the classes involved in the system had the privilege of discussing with Angélique Kidjo, after a performance that the artist with five Grammy Awards gave at Point Fort d’Aubervilliers. “She answered our questions kindly,says Adjara, a CM1 student. She told us about her journey, her struggles as an ambassador for Unicef ​​and Oxfam, but also about her pleasure in cooking. »

If Marcel-Cachin’s children are now knowledgeable about the life and work of Angélique Kidjo, most did not know her before starting the adventure. “I had never heard her name but one of her songs, Mama Africa, was covered by Kids United which I listen to on YouTube,” reports Massa, a CM1 student.

Big events ahead

A few weeks before the concert at the Théâtre du Châtelet, the “marmots” received a visit from the director’s assistant, who told them that there will be nearly 500 of them singing on June 23. “ This show, explains Alex Gachet, brings together not only the children’s choir from different schools in Seine-Saint-Denis, but also the National Orchestra of Île-de-France which will bring together 49 musicians in the pit. And, of course, Angélique Kidjo will take center stage. »

Ishaan, a fifth grade student, confesses that he has a bit of stage fright. “It’s normal to be apprehensive, the assistant replies. But if you do it thoroughly, you won’t be ridiculous. On the contrary, you will be powerful and stylish! »

The concert at the Châtelet theater is not the only prospect for the students of the Cachin school. At the end of June, one of the two classes is invited by the Cities of World Music association which is organizing a new performance at the Marseille Opera. “The children are enthusiastic about the idea of ​​discovering the Marseille city,” says their teacher. We will sleep two nights in a youth hostel. Parents do not have to pay anything, the stay is fully covered. »

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