DayFR Euro

“Defend the values ​​of local public service through a democratic and social surge”

The dissolution of the National Assembly decided by the President of the Republic following the results of the European elections creates the conditions for a possible victory for the extreme right, embodied by the National Rally and its allies. Such a victory would represent an unprecedented threat since 1945 to the public service, its values, its functioning and its access for all.

As territorial civil servant students and territorial executives in office, and because we are citizen civil servants free to express themselves, we cannot remain silent in the face of this threat and reaffirm our visceral attachment to the values ​​of freedom, equality , dignity and solidarity which characterize public service.

From now on, the vote of civil servants for the extreme right is no longer an exception.

In 2022, in the presidential election, 36% of territorial civil servants who went to the polls gave their vote to far-right candidates.

Through this vote, a deep feeling of downgrading is expressed and which has taken root in the denigration of civil servants who have been working for years, and in the continued decline of their purchasing power. Added to this are the restrictions on resources allocated to public services and the hasty reforms which are disrupting them. As a result, the ability of our administrations to meet the growing needs of vulnerable populations has been called into question. This is how the whole meaning of our professions is lost.

However, far-right ideas are incompatible with the fundamental values ​​of public service and a universal and quality local public service.

One of the cardinal values ​​of public service is equal treatment, whatever the origins, whatever the territory. This public service for all is opposed to the logic of national preference and generalized discrimination which would guide public policies under the leadership of a government led by the extreme right.

The public service also guarantees the non-discrimination in access to public services and employment, regardless of real or supposed origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability. Furthermore, public service is essential to protect the most vulnerable in the face of climate shock and to successfully complete the ecological transition, while the far right denies the reality of climate change.

The incompatibility of far-right ideas with the values ​​of public service and local democracy has been observed in the local authorities for which its representatives are responsible. The rights of social and political opposition have been violated. Associations helping the most deprived, sports and cultural groups have been the subject of permanent attacks and budget cuts. Local public services such as school meals have been used to discriminate against children.

Therefore, what responsibility do territorial officials have in the period we are experiencing?

More than the election of parliamentarians, what will be at stake in the coming weeks is the very meaning of who we are and our commitment to local public service, as the project carried by the far right is opposed to the public service imagined at the Liberation, guarantor of the general interest and the values ​​of the Republic.

The feeling of downgrading which is the breeding ground for far-right ideas must be opposed by a strong local public service. Guaranteeing access to essential services, such as health and the distribution of drinking water, particularly in overseas communities, means ensuring the dignity of their inhabitants. Preserving local services, schools, social centers, particularly in rural and peri-urban areas, means consolidating social cohesion and offering young people the means for their emancipation. Opening places in nurseries, libraries and cultural places, green spaces, places to welcome users, means responding to the growing need for public service.

While the public service only survives today through the daily commitment of those who keep it alive, it will only survive tomorrow through their mobilization.

We therefore call on all public officials to participate in activating civil society and youth by voting on June 30 and July 7 against far-right ideas and to defend public service and its values. .

Tribune signed by:

  • Tarik AISSA Student territorial civil servant,
  • Eve ALBERGEL Student territorial civil servant,
  • Loraine AMIC Student territorial civil servant,
  • Emma ANTROPOLI Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Esther BAILLEUL Student territorial civil servant,
  • Eva BARCELO-HERMANT Territorial civil servant student,
  • Carla BARCO Student territorial civil servant,
  • Emilien BAYETTE Student territorial civil servant,
  • Hajar BELAARAJ Student territorial civil servant,
  • Camille BERTRAND-HARDY Student territorial civil servant,
  • Raphaëlle BILLY Student territorial civil servant,
  • Alicia BOMO Student territorial civil servant,
  • Bastien BRIAND Student territorial civil servant,
  • Aurélie BRUNEAU Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Jennifer BRUNNER Student territorial civil servant,
  • Julie B’TIT Student territorial civil servant,
  • Laure CARDINAL Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Perrine CHAVANAT Student territorial civil servant,
  • Céline CHAZAUD Student territorial civil servant,
  • Anaïs CHAZEL Student territorial civil servant,
  • Renaud CONCORDET Student territorial civil servant,
  • Marie CONDAMINET Student territorial civil servant,
  • Nathalie DASSE Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Sarah DAUNAY Student territorial civil servant,
  • Marion DESSAINT Student territorial civil servant,
  • Arnaud DOT Student territorial civil servant,
  • Suzane DUHANAJ Student territorial civil servant,
  • Marie ELY Student territorial civil servant,
  • Hugo GAILLAC Student territorial civil servant,
  • Olivier GARNAUD Student territorial civil servant,
  • Héloïse GOLHEN Student territorial civil servant,
  • Louise GUILLOT Student territorial civil servant,
  • Marielle GUINGUENO Student territorial civil servant,
  • Ilyesse HEMINE Student territorial civil servant,
  • Vivian HIRONDELLE Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Zoé IMBERT Student territorial civil servant,
  • Jean-Christophe JULIE Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Orphée LAMOTTE Student territorial civil servant,
  • Rémi LARDILLEUX Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Noémie LATRUBESSE Student territorial civil servant,
  • Sarah LAULLOO Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Clotilde LE DANTEC Student territorial civil servant,
  • Thomas LOUYOT Student territorial civil servant,
  • Juliette MAILLOT Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Philippe MASSON Student territorial civil servant,
  • Agnès MÉJEAN Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Mélusine MENSEAU Student territorial civil servant,
  • Mathilde MOINET Student territorial civil servant,
  • Alexis MORARD Student territorial civil servant,
  • Manon NAVARRO Student territorial civil servant,
  • Clémentine PERNOT Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Jonathan PERRIN Student territorial civil servant,
  • David PHAM Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Marion PINCHAULT Student territorial civil servant,
  • Mathilde PONS Student territorial civil servant,
  • Clémentine POTTIER-HAMEL Student territorial civil servant,
  • Florian POUBEAU Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Maël RANNOU Student territorial civil servant,
  • Fabien REPPEL Student territorial civil servant,
  • Lucile REPESSÉ Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Victor REVEILLON Student territorial civil servant,
  • Inès RICARD Student territorial civil servant,
  • Gaspard RICHARD Student territorial civil servant,
  • Jérôme ROUZAIRE Student territorial civil servant,
  • Tatiana RYBALTCHENKO Student territorial civil servant,
  • Corentin SOMMIER Student territorial civil servant,
  • Merwan SOUACI Student territorial civil servant,
  • Manon SOURDEAU Student territorial civil servant,
  • Magali STREIFF BENJAMIN Student territorial civil servant,
  • Valérie STROCK Student territorial civil servant,
  • Cécile TAVAN Territorial executive and student territorial civil servant,
  • Pauline THOMAS Student territorial civil servant,
  • Benjamin VIALLE Student territorial civil servant,
  • Farah YAOU Territorial executive and territorial civil servant student,
  • Emmanuelle ZARQANE Student territorial civil servant

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