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In Geneva, the left and tenant defense associations are launching a referendum against the recent modification of the general law on development zones (LGZD). In their eyes, this text gives too many rights to owners to the detriment of the general interest in building housing.

The modification of the LGZD was adopted by the Grand Council on May 2 as a counter-proposal to the initiative “For a more democratic urban planning”, Green MP David Martin, of the referendum committee, recalled to the media on Tuesday. Satisfied, the initiators withdrew their text, and the counter-proposal is the law which is now under attack. To succeed, the referendum must be submitted by August 19 with 4,135 valid signatures.

This initiative was launched by 47 residents’ and heritage defense associations in reaction to the densification of villa areas, where built heritage and trees were razed under the pretext of the housing crisis, according to them. The initiative aimed to make the notices of municipalities binding when adopting localized neighborhood plans (PLQ), in order to achieve quality developments.

Municipal vote

If the modification of the LGZD specifies the contours of the consultation in the development of the PLQ, it also allows a majority of the owners of the perimeter to oppose the final plan. A consultative municipal vote is then organized, before notice from the Municipal Council. “The consultation will be similar to a referendum which will be added to the already existing referendum” against the adopted PLQ, denounced Mr. Martin.

“This provision is problematic, because owners, some of whom do not have political rights in the municipality, will be able to obtain a referendum with few signatures,” explained socialist deputy Matthieu Jotterand. “The work of the Municipal Council on the PLQ should not be done with the pressure of a negative popular vote,” he criticized.

Quality down

“We are granting privileged rights to owners in areas already identified by the canton for the construction of affordable housing. It is undemocratic,” underlined her party colleague Caroline Renold, on behalf of ASLOCA. And remember that building land is rare and that owners can already launch a referendum against each downgrading of villa zones into development zones.

“It’s a monstrous blocking power given to owners,” summarized Romain Gauthier, of the Rally for a Social Housing Policy. In addition to significant delays in the construction of affordable housing, the referendums fear that the demands of owners, for example on a reduction in the density of PLQ, will impact the quality of housing and exterior amenities.

This article was automatically published. Source: ats


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