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2024 legislative elections in Aveyron: “I will be their voice”, Marie-Christine Parolin (RN) campaigning in the second constituency

the essential
Marie-Christine Parolin is the National Rally candidate for the second constituency of Aveyron for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

On June 30 and July 7, Marie-Christine Parolin will be the candidate of the National Rally in the second constituency of Aveyron. She will have to face the outgoing deputy Laurent Alexandre of the New Popular Front and the candidate of the presidential majority Samuel Deguara.

And faced with these two candidates promised in the second round, the regional councilor RN appears as an outsider, even if she can hope to capitalize on the good scores of her party in the European elections (28.18% in Aveyron) and legislative elections (12 .83% in the first round). Although these were then carried by the former departmental representative Bruno Leleu, who has since left his role as departmental delegate amid legal accusations.

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“I will settle wherever I am elected.”

Little known in Aveyron, where she was never elected. Marie-Christine Parolin does not feel parachuted into this large constituency which goes from Villefranche-de-Rouergue to Baraqueville via Decazeville and Capdenac-Gare. “I have lived in Aveyron for six years. I am from Toulouse, but when my son got married, I joined him in Aveyron. I found my colleagues from the National Rally there who helped me asked to give them a hand, I’m not really based near Rodez”, summarizes the regional councilor elected in Haute-Garonne and former municipal candidate in La Cavalerie. “I will settle wherever I am elected.”

For this 62-year-old activist from the start, the European campaign brought immense hope that she intends to make come to fruition. “We were surprised by the reception we had on the markets. The people are lovely, but everyone is impacted by the current situation,” explains Marie-Christine Parolin. “I met nurses, teachers, police officers… all are discouraged by the current situation. Fortunately, there was a good reaction to the Europeans. We will try to validate the trial.”

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With her deputy Luc Bousquet, deputy delegate of the departmental branch, the candidate wishes to make the voice of a rural community that she says she knows well heard. “I like meeting hunters, farmers and breeders. My husband was a farrier. If the people of Aveyron trust me, I will be their spokesperson. I am an honest elected official.”

But on the more industrial side of the constituency, the candidate is uncompromising… “Have we heard the residents? Or have the unions betrayed them? As always… I meet disappointed workers. The solutions , we will find them with them.”

“The department was for a long time, and especially when it was running well, on the right.”

Beyond that, it is Jordan Bardella’s program that she wishes to see applied on a local and national scale, hoping to be able to count on the votes of Republicans who do not present candidates in Aveyron. “The department has been on the right for a long time, and especially when it was going well. If they support me it will be good for everyone.”

In order to mobilize this electorate, the candidate does not plan to organize public meetings, “but to go directly to meet voters.”


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