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CSN | Details on retro and bonuses • FSSS-CSN

That’s it, all eight collective agreements in the CSN public sector are now in force. Their signing took place between June 6 and 9, a little over three months after the agreement in principle was ratified by the general assemblies, which constitutes a usual deadline.

Over the coming weeks, the various steps will be taken so that workers receive all of their due, including significant salary retroactivity dating back to April 1, 2023. Collective agreements, lasting five (5) years, will expire on
March 31, 2028.

Salary adjustment and retroactivity

The employer must now make salary adjustments and pay retroactivity. The deadlines are the same as the previous collective agreement and vary from one federation to another and from one sector to another. Generally speaking, here are the maximum prescribed dates:

Examples of retroactivity for a full-time person, for the twelve-month period between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024 (6%):

To the retroactivity of 6%, the following sums will be added for the three-month period between April 1, 2024 and June 30, 2024 (9% (compound effect of 6% + 2.8%)):

Bonuses and other bonuses

The bonus paid to specialized workers from the different networks – which increases from 10% to 15% – has already been in application since June 9 and the adjustment period is the same as those for the salaries mentioned in the table above. As for the 10% salary increase and the 6.5% bonus paid to psychologists, it will be retroactive to the
June 9 and will be implemented no later than October 6, 2024.
Regarding the entry into force and payment of other bonuses, we invite you to refer to your respective federation in order to obtain all the details.

Other earnings

As a reminder, to know the main gains made in the Common Front, we invite you to consult the January 2024 Info-nego entitled Public sector negotiation: full version of the details on the agreement in principle.

As for other significant bonuses negotiated for your sector, we invite you to refer to your respective federation for all the details.

A memorable round

The entry into force of the collective agreements officially closes the 2023 round of negotiations. Led as a common front with one voice from start to finish, the struggle of public service workers will have left its mark on the minds of many. many respects, including its historic mobilization (including the impressive demonstration of September 23, 2023 in Montreal), its unlimited general strike mandate adopted by 95% and the 11 days of strike exercise.
The major gains obtained – notable improvements in salary conditions and working and practice conditions – are the direct results of the mobilization led by the 470,000 workers grouped in the Common Front. Let us be proud of the battle we fought.

Have a good summer and solidarity!

Info-negotiation in French

Info-negotiation in English


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