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SENEGAL-TASBASKI-SERMON / The imam of Lyndiane Jardin encourages the government to continue to “alleviate” the suffering of the populations – Senegalese Press Agency

Kaolack, June 18 (APS) – Thierno Samba Bâ, the imam ratib of the large mosque of Lyndiane Jardin, on the outskirts of the commune of Kaolack (center), encourages the government to “continue” its efforts to ”’relieve the suffering of populations”.

”I encourage the government to continue efforts to alleviate the suffering of the populations,” he said in his sermon, at the end of the Eid-el-Kébir prayer, commonly called Tabaski in Senegal. .

He denounced the increase, by private carriers, in intercity transport prices on the occasion of Tabaski.

”On the eve of this holiday, in several bus stations across the country, drivers of public passenger transport vehicles increased prices from single to double, without even taking into account the difficulties of their fellow citizens.” , he was offended.

He speaks of an “unfair” practice, regretting the “lack of solidarity in current society”.

He welcomed the government’s decision to mobilize more than 100 buses from the public transport company “Dakar dem dikk”, to facilitate intercity travel during the holiday period.

“We welcome the efforts made by the new authorities in this direction and urge them to continue them,” continued Imam Thierno Samba Bâ. He also invited the government to support the rural world in view of the winter which will soon set in.

Denouncing the attacks against the Palestinian people in Gaza, imam ratib Lyndiane Jardin prayed for peace and stability in Senegal and across the world.




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