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Le Vignon-en-Quercy. Aging well, Rionet is mobilizing

Aging in good physical and mental health, remaining at home as long as possible, these are the wishes of a large number of seniors and their families. The Rionet social center offers, through various adapted activities and events, to maintain both social connections and physical activity.

Monday, November 4, a group of people met at the new premises of the Rionet social center (medical-social center of the station) in Quatre – Routes-du-Lot, around Sylvie Simon, Icope territorial coordinator to talk about health prevention and discover the Icope application. This very easy-to-use tool helps prevent dependence based on six functionalities: cognition, nutrition, mobility, vision, hearing and mood, based on a quick questionnaire that can be completed alone or accompanied by a loved one or a healthcare professional.

During this afternoon, the group first questioned itself about the image it has of aging well and its daily habits in the face of deteriorating health. Secondly, participants were able to take their phone with them to download the application and start the questionnaire; questionnaire of approximately 10 minutes, the data of which is transmitted directly to the gerontopôle of the University Hospital. If a need is detected, a nurse contacts the person by telephone or email to offer appropriate care or activities.

A next meeting is planned in the town of Cressensac, Tuesday November 12 at 2:30 p.m. at the town hall. Registration at the Rionet secretariat: 05 65 37 20 74.


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