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new management and a record deficit lead to an association of mayors in the midst of a crisis

Despite significant subsidies, the association of mayors of Tarn is on the verge of a financial abyss with a deficit that exceeds 140,000 euros. A deficit largely fueled by the recruitment of new management.

For more than 30 years, the association of mayors and local elected officials of Tarn has been a well-known and established player in the Tarn political landscape. The 314 municipalities in the department use its services: training or advice. The structure benefits from significant subsidies, namely more than 350,000 euros per year.

But, since the recruitment of new management, nothing is going well. The deficit is widening and attempts to replenish the coffers are not enough to restore an increasingly critical financial situation.An alarming deficitThe next general meeting promises to be stormy.

According to our information, several elected officials are concerned about an uncontrolled slippage in accounts. The figures which must be made public exceed 140,000 euros. This deficit must be compared with public subsidies: 350,000 euros. Not to mention the contributions of members of hundreds of municipalities in the department.

Contacted by France 3 Occitanie, the president of the association, Jean-Marc Balaran, explains this situation with “accounting problems” , “a debt spread over five years“, a “accounting which is made over a single financial year“, “by accumulated leave“, by “expected aid not arriving” And “by an increase in the payroll tax“But the chosen one does not wish”communicate more” on this subject.

The association has always been abundantly financed thanks to the interpersonal skills of its former founder and president, senator (PS), Jean-Marc Pastor. But resources are no longer enough to balance expenses.

To try to get back afloat, the association is increasing its initiatives. Finished the annual conference at the “good honesty“For two editions, the big rally has moved to the Exhibition Center, stands are rented to private operators. A real turning point.”cultural“which is not to the taste of all mayors. Some regret the old, more friendly and, above all, less friendly formula”business“..

Under condition of anonymity, the mayor of a large town expresses his uneasiness and mentions a risk of “conflict of interest“In fact, the stands are rented to private operators who can enter into contracts with municipalities that are members of the association.

The reaction of this prominent local elected official is not really surprising. It fits into the context of the moment. A figure of the mayors of Tarn has just been indicted for “illegal taking of interest” And “favoritism“.

To read : Indictment for corruption of the president of the Gaillac-Graulhet agglomeration Paul Salvador with four other people

More than ever, the department’s elected officials are sensitive to everything that affects, directly or indirectly, relations between local authorities and private companies.

Another innovation, still with the aim of bringing in money, the association created, on January 1, 2023, a subsidiary called ACTIV ADM 81 (Support Cooperation InnoVation). This structure allows you to bill for services. This does not pose a legal problem – nothing illegal in this initiative – but it shows that the presidency and management of the association are desperate for funding.A search which sometimes takes a somewhat surprising form. S

According to our information, new recruitment is planned to restore the accounts. However, it is precisely on the side of operating expenses that the problem lies.

Indeed, the hiring of a new director has “exploded“the budgetary equation. Indeed, the latter’s only salary”weighs” around 100,000 euros per year.

The remuneration of the general director (DG) of the association is higher than the usual scale of the local civil service. Normally, a DG “turned” around 6000 euros net per month. A salary which corresponds, moreover, to a position in a “fat“community, town hall of a municipality of more than 50,000 inhabitants, departmental council or regional council.

Regarding the association of mayors of Tarn, the job description is limited to the management of less than 20 people.

But another aspect makes Tarn elected officials cough. The new general director, a state civil servant on secondment, is a family member of the president of the association. A cousin to be precise. “there is cousinage in the neighborhood or in the fifth degree. As I must have cousins ​​throughout the department. But that has no impact on the choice of director” assures Jean-Marc Balaran.

A president who does not wantnot communicate more“. Yet, Jean-Marc Balaran is not only faced with financial problems. He must also manage a degraded internal climate with the association’s employees.

The association of mayors and local elected officials of Tarn benefits from great stability in its human resources. It is the same team (mainly female) which has been running the structure on a daily basis for more than 10 years, whether it be accounting, communications or legal advice.

But, according to our information, the climate has deteriorated significantly. Occupational medicine was contacted and some of the staff openly expressed their discomfort and unease. The new leadership is being singled out as a source of tension. The word “harassment” is even mentioned. The matter is no longer internal and confined within the walls of the association. Several elected officials were arrested, such as former deputy Jacques Valax.


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