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To cope with the predicted heat wave, citizens of Quebec will have to fall back on public swimming pools that are already open

Failing to open sooner its 24 outdoor swimming pools still in preparation for the summer season, the City of Quebec invites its citizens to use those already open to cope with the heat wave forecast for the coming days.

• Read also: Heat wave for southern Quebec from Tuesday until Friday

In a press release, the City indicates that the dozen heated outdoor swimming pools and indoor swimming pools can be used according to the normal schedule.

The same goes for the 66 water features operating between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. in the 6 districts.

Indoors, access will not be limited to specific groups in the coming days, as the mercury is expected to rise above 35 degrees during the day and 20 degrees at night.

However, there is no question of bringing forward the opening of the numerous outdoor swimming pools still being prepared for the season. Most of these will open on Thursday.

Asked about the logistics of moving forward with these openings, the City highlighted student staff issues since classes have still not ended.


The City, however, argues that its air-conditioned community centers will offer extended opening hours until 9 p.m.

Checks are also underway to determine if additional air-conditioned places could be made available to citizens.

The municipal administration also reminds people vulnerable to heat to hydrate well during prolonged episodes of extreme heat.

“Each citizen can make a difference for the safety of their loved ones and fellow citizens, in particular by calling or visiting any person around them who is alone or losing their autonomy in order to ensure their well-being,” adds- we by means of a press release.

A mass of hot air from the United States is expected to cross Quebec in the coming days, causing the first heatwave of the summer in the Capitale-Nationale region.

With the humidex index, the temperature felt should exceed 40 degrees between Tuesday and Thursday. The mercury should go back down overnight from Friday to Saturday, according to Environment Canada forecasts.


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