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the Métropole de Lyon launches its consultation on the ZTL

From June 17 to September 30, residents and merchants of the Presqu’île will be able to express their views regarding the establishment of the limited traffic zone (ZTL) planned for June 1, 2025.

New stage for the Presqu’île à vivre project. From this Monday and until September 30, the Métropole de Lyon is launching a consultation with residents and traders of the Presqu’île concerning the establishment of the limited traffic zone (ZTL), scheduled for June 1, 2025.

As a reminder, this project aims to reserve the area for pedestrians where only traders, delivery people, craftsmen or emergency vehicles will be authorized and limited to 20 km/h. It will complete the pedestrianization of 15 new streets and 30 axes already reserved for pedestrians.

Read also: ‘Presqu’Ile à vivre’ project: “we want a dialogue with the Metropolis of Lyon”

“Take into account all specific needs”

In a press release, the Métropole de Lyon indicates that it wants “take into account all the specific needs of people who live, visit or work on the Presqu’île” so that they can reconcile “quality of life, economic prosperity and ecological transition.” The consultation will make it possible to collect opinions on several points: the list of user categories, the switchover time between the morning and afternoon regime, the operation of the limited traffic zone on weekends and the terms of access to the area.

Criticized by certain associations of traders and residents, this limited traffic zone has already been defined. It will extend from the bottom of the slopes of Croix-Rousse to the north of Bellecour, specifies the community. The Rhône and Saône quays will be outside the perimeter, so vehicles will not be impacted when crossing the city center. The Métropole de Lyon indicates that in this type of area, the “transit traffic of motorized vehicles (cars, utility vehicles, motorcycles, scooters) is not permitted” and must ensure greater comfort and safety for pedestrians. The objective is also to limit access to vehicles for local residents, delivery people, craftsmen and public transport.

Read also: “The administrative court can invalidate the Presqu’Ile à vivre project”

Two access regimes to the area

For this, two access regimes will be put in place, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, which will be controlled by retractable terminals. In the morning, the area will be reserved for deliveries, and in the afternoon, only “assigns”that is to say the “permanent access”, “occasional access” And “logistics access” will be authorized. The terminals will then be placed in the high position.

Several public meetings and workshops will be organized “after summer” in the two districts concerned concludes the Métropole de Lyon. As for the consultation, it is available online.

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