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French Adapted Para Tennis Championship in Gard: “The tennis family rallied around this event”

From June 21 to 23, the Hauts de Nîmes tennis club will host the French adapted para tennis championship for the first time.

This is a first in Gard. The Hauts de Nîmes tennis club is preparing to host the French adapted para tennis championship. This event, which will be held from June 21 to 23, is organized in partnership with the French Adapted Sports Federation (FFSA) and the Gard departmental committee. It will bring together 137 athletes from all metropolitan regions.

Chances of medals for Gard

“The tennis family rallied around this event”. Founded in 1971, the FFSA mainly targets people with mental, psychological and neurodevelopmental disorders. With 65,000 members nationally and 1,200 in Gard, this competition represents a strong moment for the sporting community and the department. “We are very happy to contribute to the success of this sporting eventconfides Vincent Bouget, deputy vice-president for sports. The values ​​of sport, respect, the taste for effort, as well as the values ​​of inclusiveness and solidarity will be worthily represented this weekend (June 21 to 23, Editor’s note).”

Among the 137 registered athletes, there are 25 women and 112 men, including 17 from Gard. Gilles Fernandez, sports educator at the Gard departmental committee and supervisor within the Bassin Bagnolais adapted sports association, is optimistic: “Among the different Gard athletes involved, I think that two to three can seriously claim a podium.”

Adaptations and rules of play

The participants, whether adolescents or adults, are classified into different categories according to their level of autonomy: AB for the least autonomous to CD for the most autonomous. “The rules are adapted accordingly, with modifications to the terrain and type of balls for categories AB in particular”explains Isabelle Viallat, director of the Gard adapted sports committee.

Game formats are also adjusted. For categories AB, the matches will take place on small courts with soft balls, and the sets will be played in the form of super tie-breaks (10 winning points). For categories BC and CD, although the court and balls remain consistent with the “classic” format, the sets are shortened to two winning sets of four games.

This weekend, each athlete will be keen to give their best with their sights set on the possibility of being selected for the next World Adapted Tennis Championship, which will be held in Annecy from September 7 to 15.


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