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In Reunion, the president of the order of doctors accused of violence by his ex-partner

“I kept silent for too long about this physical and psychological violence. I am no longer ashamed to speak. » In Reunion, these accusations brought to light by a general practitioner from Saint-Pierre, Doctor Lise François, targeting her former spouse, Doctor Benjamin Dusang, president of the departmental council of the order of doctors (CDOM), provoke a deep unease within the medical community, even beyond the facts denounced, due to the timing in which this affair was brought to the public square. And attacks, in return, against the complainant.

Remaining for a long time at the stage of rumor confined to the profession, the revelation, by THE Reunion Dailyon June 4, of a complaint filed in 2023 and a criminal investigation against Doctor Dusang, comes in the context of elections, Friday June 21, for the renewal of half of the members of the CDOM, including the mandate of the accused.

Resuscitation doctor at the University Hospital, Doctor Dusang, who did not wish to respond to our requests, refutes in a WhatsApp loop intended for his colleagues, these “slanderous accusations”, by castigating a “odious method used by my opposition”.

If Doctor Lise François decided to denounce this violence, it is not out of electoral opportunism, assures this doctor who is running to be elected ordinal advisor. At the end of 2022, she says she was “stunned” to learn that her ex-spouse, as president of the order, organized training for doctors on domestic violence. “For him to position himself as the savior of women is impossible for me, she explains to World. This discordance and manipulation made me jump. That was the trigger. » Regretting not having done it before. “My dignity as a woman and mother had until now walled me in a silence that everyone will approve of”observes Lise François.

” Maintain [ma cliente] in the silence “

The facts date back to December 2008. After “a romantic dinner”, she says, an argument broke out over a cigarette. The doctor accuses her former companion of having thrown her against a wall. A medical certificate, which The world was able to consult, attests to his injuries: fracture of the external end of the clavicle and a left rib fracture. An episode, she claims, which occurred following other physical and psychological violence. In an e-mail apology, three days later, Benjamin Dusang wrote to him: “I didn’t mean to hurt you at any point. I bruised you though. »

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