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the first analysis results reveal the presence of a gas

Following the series of mysterious poisonings that occurred in a primary school in Marne, the first results of analyzes have been revealed. An odorless gas seems to be the cause of the waves of discomfort that have occurred since May 30.

These assessments were particularly awaited by the parents of students at the Fère-Champenoise primary school (Marne). Two weeks after the waves of discomfort that occurred in the school establishment, the first analysis results were released.

While the prefecture had mentioned the possibility of carbon monoxide, it was ruled out. The ARS had also rejected possible food or water poisoning.

Since June 7, analyzes have been launched by the air quality monitoring services (AASQA). They revealed the presence of ethylene in the school playground. This synthetic gas is flammable and may cause headaches, dizziness or nausea if inhaled.

Since May 30, several dozen students and three adults have presented similar illnesses and symptoms.

Other analyzes expected

The discovery of this gas within the premises of the establishment caused astonishment among the parents of the students.

“I’m shocked. It’s not normal to find this kind of gas in the playground of a primary school,” says Jennyfer, mother of two poisoned children.

Her children have suffered nausea and difficulty breathing, but cannot see the end of the tunnel. “It could only be serious,” she sighs. The mother therefore chose to change establishment.

“I don’t think that the school itself is dangerous, but there is definitely something at the community level to get us there… We have to see what the companies are doing around it.” she adds.

Two kilometers from the establishment, there is a methane digester, but no link has been established between its activity and the multiple illnesses in the primary school. The mayor of Fère-Champenoise, Gérard Gorisse, is even skeptical.

“The companies are still very far from the school,” declares the councilor. “It may be something that comes out of the ground. There will be in-depth analyzes of the soil, the pipes, the sewers,” he lists.

Other analyzes should therefore be disclosed soon. In the meantime, elementary school students have been welcomed to the college and the Maison des associations, while those from nursery school benefit from “pedagogical continuity provided remotely by teachers”. A minimum reception service for children without childcare is also provided by the municipality.

Inès Zeghloul with Mélanie Hennebique

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