DayFR Euro

A multicultural Fransaskoisie around a soccer ball

From Canada via Ivory Coast and Luxembourg, six Fransaskois teams, made up of nationals of different nationalities, competed in the Fransaskois Nations Tournament. The friendly soccer competition made its comeback after an absence due to the pandemic.

The tournament aims to celebrate cultural diversity within the community. It took place in Regina and concluded on Sunday. The competition was intense between the teams, according to the organization, especially between Ivory Coast and Nigeria, during the final.

The Nigerian team lifted the winner’s trophy by winning the final with a score of 9 to 2. A victory deservedsupports the captain of the Ivory Coast team, Pierre-Emmanuel Komoe, sincethey have been playing together for years. They know each other much more than we dohe continues.

The two teams played in front of around twenty spectators who came to encourage them. Despite their defeat, the Ivorians were able to share a cake with the winners.

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The next Tournoi fransaskois des nations could take place outside next year, the organization said.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Germaine Wilson

In total, around fifty players, nine per team, amateurs or more experienced took part in the competition. Since the start of the event on Thursday, all the matches have been broadcast on the Facebook page of the Fransaskoise Community Assembly (ACF).

Build relationships

The consultation and community strengthening coordinator of theACFJosée O’blenis, indicated that the tournament made its comeback after requests from the community. We listened to the people then we gave what they wantedshe emphasizes with a smile on her lips.

Our goal is to bring even more opportunities to be active together and to live our Francophonie.

A quote from Josée O’blenis, ACF consultation and community strengthening coordinator

An activity which was praised by the captain of the Ivory Coast team.

We are a minority here. It always feels good to be able to organize sporting, cultural or whatever activities to be able to get together and celebrate our language, our culture and our diversity.

A quote from Pierre-Emmanuel Komoe, captain of the Ivory Coast team

Activity is back for good due to this success assures Josée O’blenis, raising the possibility of holding the next edition outside.

With information from Philippine Francois-Gascard


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