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The marriage between watchmaking and Bitcoin

Understanding yourself to innovate

Until now, attempts to integrate bitcoin into watchmaking have remained superficial, often through marketing opportunism. However, in the canton of Neuchâtel, these two industries benefit from an international reputation. It is high time that they meet and collaborate, at least that is what the watchmaking metropolis, which lent its support to the event, thinks. In a relaxed atmosphere, participants will mingle during the aperitif dinner and the organizers hope that the chance encounters and exchanges will spark new ideas and new forms of collaboration, deeper and more sincere.

A technical and practical bitcoin event

At Paradigme Bitcoin, we don’t talk about price or trading. These are the opportunities to use bitcoin for payment, for timestamping, etc., which are in the spotlight. During the two days of conferences, practical workshops will be offered to familiarize yourself with the tools necessary for its secure and efficient use: wallets, private key management, instant payments with the Lightning network. It will also be possible to discover and tinker with the possibilities offered by the latest technical advances in the protocol if you take a laptop with you. Merchants and artisans will also discover the best ways to accept payment in bitcoin.

A Saturday under the sign of “the Bitcoin community”

After a Friday devoted to bitcoin and watchmaking, Saturday June 29 will dissect the dynamics underlying the growing adoption of bitcoin. An academic panel will look into the question, then we will focus more specifically on the ecosystem of Neuchâtel and its future prospects. After the convivial aperitif dinner, we will explore the opportunities and entrepreneurial dynamics within a growing community of users around the world. Finally, the abundant cultural aspect of bitcoin which inspires many artists will not be forgotten.

A rallying point

The two days of conferences at the L’Heure bleue theater are just the tip of the iceberg. Other related events tie in with The Bitcoin Paradigm, such as Privacy Reunion, which will take place the previous Thursday, June 27, within the same walls. This day of free conferences will address, with recognized specialists, the delicate issue of protecting privacy using cryptography and IT tools. On Saturday evening, freely licensed art will be in the spotlight at the Bikini Test club with the Musique Libre Festival, a festive electronic music event that brings together talented artists from all over Europe. This evening will be the scene of an ambitious experiment in payment with bitcoin.

An international audience of hundreds of bitcoin enthusiasts is therefore expected in La Chaux-de-Fonds to benefit from this rich program. Bitcoin users just want to discover the riches of the canton, meet its industrial fabric and exchange with its population. This promises to be a one-of-a-kind experience.


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