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an avalanche injures four people in Vallouise-Pelvoux

MISCELLANEOUS FACTS / Four people were injured and taken to the Briançon hospital center

– High mountains –

For several weeks, mountain rescue teams have been warning about the vigilance that remains at altitude. Precipitation and mild weather are all dangerous factors that can lead to an avalanche. This was the case this Sunday, around 9:20 a.m. in Vallouise-Pelvoux: a large-scale snow slide was triggered on the normal access route to the Dôme des Ecrins, at an altitude of 3,900 meters. “It is a slab avalanche, with a break 150 meters wide, the 200 meter long deposit separates into two parts, each is between 50 and 60 meters wide », Explain the emergency services. Around fifteen people were surprised, they belonged to “several groups and are of different nationalities » specifies the prefecture, which has deployed an operational search and rescue system. In total, seven personnel from the Briançon PGHM including two avalanche dog handlers, the CHOUCAS 05 helicopter with two crew members on board and an emergency doctor from Briançon intervened on site. Of the 15 involved, four were in relative emergency and were evacuated to the Briançon hospital center. The search ended at 11:45 a.m.

C. Cava Michard


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