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Alpes-Maritimes. A man in his fifties dies during a trail in Valberg

A fifty-year-old died during the Valberg trail, in the Alpes-Maritimes, this Sunday, June 16, 2024. Victim of a cardiac arrest, the runner could not be resuscitated by the emergency services.

The fifty-year-old was taken care of aboard a Dragon helicopter. Here, a Dragon helicopter during a sea rescue exercise in Brest harbor, March 21, 2024. Illustration. | GUILLAUME SALIGOT / WEST-FRANCE

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  • The fifty-year-old was taken care of aboard a Dragon helicopter. Here, a Dragon helicopter during a sea rescue exercise in Brest harbor, March 21, 2024. Illustration. | GUILLAUME SALIGOT / WEST-FRANCE

A man in his fifties died this Sunday June 16, 2024 during a trail organized in the winter sports resort of Valberg, in the Alpes-Maritimes.

The runner died of a heart attack

According to BFM Nice Côte d’Azur, the runner died of a heart attack while participating in the half-marathon of the sporting event.

The regional daily nice morning specifies that the man was 1.3 kilometers from the finish line, below the station, when he collapsed. Taken care of by emergency services and airlifted, the fifty-year-old could not be resuscitated.

Deadly weekend in the world of trail running

On Friday, one person died and three others were injured during the Haut-Giffre Ultra-trail, in Haute-Savoie, where downpours fell during the night from Friday to Saturday.


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