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Three different queues: “it’s a mess” to leave Isle-aux-Coudres

Three different queues formed, explains the mayor of Isle-aux-Coudres, Christian Dufour. We are talking about two lines of cars on Chemin des Coudriers, going to Auberge La Fascine, towards the West, and towards Cidrerie Vergers Pedneault, towards the East, with another line on Chemin de la Traverse .

The general director of Isle-aux-Coudres and the Fire Department are currently trying to manage traffic and form a single line. “It’s a mess,” confides Christyan Dufour, who asked for help from the Sûreté du Québec, but in vain. “We’re going to have a big meeting tomorrow.”

A second boat, the NM Svanoy, was scheduled to arrive on Saturday morning at 9 a.m. to ensure better fluidity over the weekend, which marked the second edition of L’Échappée de l’Isle-aux-Coudres. The ship was ultimately out of service due to a breakage, but docked and awaiting a part. Note, however, that there was no impact on Saturday morning on the start of the races.

A strike Friday and Saturday

This end of weekend difficult comes just five days before a first walkout of the navigation officers and mechanical officers of the Isle-aux-Coudres crossing, on June 21 and 22.

The mayor indicates that a decision will be made by the Steelworkers Union and the STQ on Tuesday regarding the schedule that will be presented to the islanders next Friday and Saturday. “It should be drinkable,” according to what Mr. Dufour means.

Note that the STQ is subject to the obligation to maintain essential services to ensure public safety. In 2021, three return trips were therefore planned in the morning – 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Friday and 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Saturday – as well as four return trips from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., in addition to the last crossing of the day around 10 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.

A crew remained on the ship to make additional crossings, if necessary, from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.


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