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Legislative elections in Puy-de-Dôme: discover the names of the 30 candidates vying for a deputy mandate

After the dissolution of the National Assembly, announced on June 9, thirty candidates are in the running in Puy-de-Dôme for the legislative elections. The election of the department’s five deputies will take place with a first round on June 30 and a second round on July 7.

The five deputies from Puy-de-Dôme who began their mandate in 2022 will all be in the running, after the dissolution of the National Assembly decided by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, to continue their parliamentary work.

For this, Marianne Maximi (LFI), Christine Pires-Beaune (PS), Laurence Vichnievski (MoDem), Delphine Lingemann (MoDem) and André Chassaigne (PCF) will once again be subject to the verdict of the ballot boxes with a ballot scheduled for Sunday June 30 and Sunday July 7.

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The submission of applications officially closed this Sunday at 6 p.m. and thirty candidates are applying in the Puy-de-Dôme department to become a deputy.

With thirty candidates, that is twenty fewer than during the previous election in 2022. But the dissolution just after the results of the European elections and the express campaign which followed were certainly unfavorable for the “small” parties, both financially only strategically, like Debout La France, the Radical Left Party or even the Animalist Party which will have no representatives in the department.

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Nineteen of the thirty candidates had solicited the votes of Puydômois during the previous legislative elections of 2022.

Note that the Nupes, which has become the New Popular Front, as well as Lutte Ouvrière, rely on the same five candidates as two years ago (with Marianne Maximi, Christine Pires-Beaune, Nicolas Bonnet, Valérie Goléo, André Chassaigne for the union from the left and Dominique Leclair, Franck Truchon, Marie Savre, François Marotte, Gabrielle Capron for LO).

Building on its score in the Europeans, the National Rally will present candidates in the five constituencies while Reconquête will be present, for its part, in three constituencies (Riom, Clermont-Montagne and Issoire).

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Candidates for the 2024 legislative elections

First constituency (Clermont-Cournon)

  • Marianne Maximi (New Popular Front, La France Insoumise, 38 years old). Substitute: Diego Landivar.
  • Louis Clement (National gathering, 65 years old). Substitute: Charly Patingre.
  • Dominique Leclair (Workers’ struggle, 59 years old). Alternate: Catherine Juéry.
  • Sébastien Galpier (The Republicans, 36 years old). Alternate: Jean-Pierre Brenas.
  • Hervé Pronounce (Horizons, 57 years old). Substitute: Flavien Neuvy.

Second constituency (Riom)

  • Christine Pires-Beaune (New Popular Front, Socialist Party, 59 years old). Substitute: Michaël Baré.
  • Isabelle Dupre (National gathering, 67 years old). Alternate: Claude Bonnefoy.
  • Franck Truchon (Workers’ struggle, 61 years old). Substitute: Ivan Simonet.
  • Sarah Chauvin (The Republicans, 24 years old). Substitute: Sylvain Durin.
  • Jean-Paul Lebrec (Renaissance, 64 years old). Alternate: Elisabeth Nicloux.
  • Marion Godu (Reconquest). Alternate: Marvin Meunier

Third constituency (Clermont-Montagne)

  • Laurence Vichnievski (Together, MoDem, 69 years old). Substitute: Bastien Gounon.
  • Nicolas Bonnet (New Popular Front, Europe Ecology Les Verts, 42 years old). Alternate: Elisabeth Crozet.
  • Nadine Pers (National gathering, 70 years). Substitute: Alexandre Lassalas.
  • Marie Savre (Workers’ struggle, 52 years old). Alternate: Frédéric Mainville.
  • Marie-Anne Marchis (The Republicans, 56 years old). Substitute: Frédéric Echavidre.
  • Patrick Finotto (Reconquest). Alternate: Clément Laurie.
  • Louis Dupic. Alternate: Benjamin Barrier.
  • René Ondet. Substitute: Adjo Konan.

Fourth constituency (Issoire)

  • Delphine Lingemann (Together, MoDem, 51 years old). Substitute: Christian Poinsot.
  • Benjamin Chalus (National gathering, 27 years old). Alternate: David Enrique.
  • François Marotte (Workers’ struggle, 58 years old). Alternate: Claude Dufour.
  • Florence Dubessy (The Republicans, 58 years old). Alternate: Bertrand Barraud.
  • Valérie Goléo (New Popular Front, LFI, 56 years old). Substitute: Alain Bidet.
  • Pascale Sanchez (Reconquest, 64 years old). Alternate: Guillaume Perrin.

Fifth constituency (Thiers-Ambert)

  • André Chassaigne (New Popular Front, French Communist Party, 73 years old) Substitute: Julien Brugerolles.
  • Brigitte Carletto (National gathering, 64 years old). Substitute: Aurélien Briquet.
  • Gabrielle Capron (Workers’ struggle, 77 years old). Substitute: Guillaume Nangeroni.
  • Yves Courthaliac (The Republicans, 52 years old). Substitute: Célia Bernard.
  • Véronique Bastet (Renaissance, 52 years old). Alternate: Robert Maldonado.

If the deadline for submitting applications was set for this Sunday, June 16, at 6 p.m., this list remains provisional pending the exhaustion of the appeal deadlines and the issuance of the last final receipts.

Will this commune of Puy-de-Dôme go from the RN to the Europeans to the PCF to the legislative elections?

Gilles Lalloz


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