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François Hollande and Philippe Poutou become the Macronists’ punching bags

PASCAL LACHENAUD / AFP François Hollande and Philippe Poutou become the Macronists’ punching bags


François Hollande and Philippe Poutou become the Macronists’ punching bags

POLITICS – Double front. Since the constitution of the new Popular Front for the early legislative elections, Macronie has redoubled its attacks against this alliance of left-wing parties described as “ baroque “, ” against nature ”, or even “ indecent “.

Two weeks before the election, two personalities seem to be crystallizing criticism, in addition to the figure of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, still as divisive in the political landscape. François Hollande on one side, while the former head of the socialist state (2012-2017) established himself as the PS candidate in Corrèze to everyone’s surprise.

And Philippe Poutou on the other: the former candidate for the presidential election and current spokesperson for the NPA (New Anticapitalist Party) benefits from the broad alliance of the left and is running for deputy in the 1st constituency of Aude. Two profiles which illustrate, according to its detractors, the impossible gap of this new coalition.

We is never disappointed by François Hollande »

Bruno Le Maire, for example, did not mince his words this Sunday, June 16, when commenting on the spectacular return of the former tenant of the Élysée to the forefront of the political scene. According to the Minister of Economy and Finance, see the author “ of the shock of competitiveness supporting a Popular Front which massively increases taxes, it’s a bit surprising “. See ” someone who has initiated a pension reform aimed at working more, supporting retirement at 60, it’s also totally surreal.”

” Worse » again, for the tenant of Bercy, the former President of the Republic « colludes with a Popular Front in which you have an NPA who was prosecuted for advocating terrorism” after having leads the great march against anti-Semitism, against radical Islam » in 2015, the day after the attacks of January 2015. In summary, “ we is never disappointed by François Hollande », he hissed in the show Political issues from Radio France and The world.

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Same tone from the former president of the National Assembly. If Yaël Braun-Pivet understands “ humanly » the decision of the socialist, she regrets seeing him engage in an alliance of “ more nauseating “, notably with LFI or the NPA and personalities who, according to her, who utter ” anti-Semitic remarks. »

Can they sit together?

Before them, it was Éric Dupond-Moretti who made the same connection between the social democrat and the representative of the anti-capitalist left to better discredit the birth of the new union behind LFI, the PS, the PCF and the ecologists.

It is pathetic. I liked the government left, Rocard, Mauroy, François Mitterrand in many ways. When I see what the Socialist Party has become… I suggest to Mr. Hollande to take Poutou as a substitute, it will make a very good team “, he thundered in front of the cameras on Saturday during a campaign trip to Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (Val-de-Marne).

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To justify their candidacy, the two new candidates invoke sacred unity to defeat the far right, a stronger outcome of the European elections. “In exceptional circumstances, exceptional decision”, for example explained François Hollande in Tulle on Saturday afternoon. Philippe Poutou evokes, “a political fight against reactionary ideas” in his candidacy declaration video.

Are they likely to sit together? François Hollande will have to battle in a constituency which elected a Les Républicains candidate in 2022. Dispersed, the left was able to collect some 28% of the total votes in the European elections on June 9, behind the National Rally. Philippe Poutou will be in a territory traditionally on the left, but which elected a deputy from the National Rally in 2022.

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