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Pharmacy students in favor of the Executive’s offer, not future doctors

had refused the proposal, particularly the point relating to the transformation of the seventh year of study into an optional year. According to a student member of the National Commission, who preferred to remain anonymous, the students are committed to maintaining this last year of study and refuse its elimination. Otherwise, they accept the other points included in the government proposal.

As for the pharmacy students95% of them validated the proposals of the government regarding their sector. “We have communicated our vote to government representatives so that these proposals can be translated into minutes and have requested the setting of a new examination timetable, but we have not yet received any response from the part of the Executive, given the continued blocking of medical students’ files,” a pharmacy student told us.

So, faced with this new blockage, the medical students are preparing to hold new general meetings after the feast of Eid Al-Adha in order to make a decision concerning the boycott of the next exams which have been set by the deans of the Faculties for June 26, following the new government proposal, which would now confirm the scenario of the blank year.

It should be remembered that the Executive had formulated a series of proposals to resolve the crisis which has been plaguing this sector for several months. Thus, among the proposals, it is worth mentioning the introduction of an optional seventh year of paid practical training. This will allow students to acquire paid professional experience. There is also talk of practical training opportunities for future doctors.

THE government had also proposed an increase in the number of places available for specialization entrance exams, in response to criticism of limiting the years of training to seven years. In addition, an overhaul of the educational program is planned, knowing that this reform will only apply to new students entering the first year.


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