DayFR Euro

Marcus Thuram’s anti-RN speech provokes a reaction from the political class

Since the dissolution of the National Assembly, decided on Sunday evening by Emmanuel Macron, and the possible arrival of the National Rally in government, the question had been asked of all the players of the French team at a press conference. So far, only calls for “go vote” during the legislative elections (1st round on June 30 and 2nd round on July 7), were launched by the Blues interviewed.

This Saturday, June 15, Marcus Thuram broke the taboo by publicly committing himself against the National Rally. “This is the sad reality of our society today. There are messages that are conveyed every day on TV to help this party pass. As Ousmane said (Dembélé) you have to go vote. And as a citizen, we must fight so that the RN does not pass and that this does not happen again. »

“An excellent thing” according to the PS spokesperson

An anti-RN position which quickly provoked a reaction from the political class. “His position is an excellent thing, believes Chloé Ridel, spokesperson for the Socialist Party. We need strong voices that come from civil society and speak to young people, especially when we know that 32% of 18-24 year olds voted for the National Rally. »

Same feeling from Marine Tondelier, the leader of the Ecologists. “It’s a declaration worthy of the situation,” said the secretary of the Green Party. This reassures us because athletes don’t necessarily like to leave their domain and their comfort zone. »

The RN expresses its “fed up with these privileged lesson givers”

Among the majority, one of the only reactions was that of Clément Beaune, outgoing MP and former Minister of Transport: “In such a serious moment, no one can be on the sidelines. That great athletes get involved is courageous and necessary. »

READ ALSO. French team. Marcus Thuram’s clear-cut offensive against the RN

Logically, the reactions were much more severe within the National Rally. Aleksandar Nikolic, just elected MEP, regretted ” The ideas received “ from the Blues striker. More virulently, Julien Odoul, spokesperson for the RN, accused the Inter striker of a commitment with variable geometry: “Citizen Marcus never said a word to express his sadness when Thomas, Lola and all the other young victims were massacred by the scum. Fed up with these privileged lesson-givers who take the French for imbeciles! »


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