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Legislative elections 2024. The new Popular Front “is not Nupes 2”, assures Raphaël Glucksmann

We hadn’t really heard from him since the dissolution of the National Assembly. The MEP and leader of Place publique, Raphaël Glucksmann spoke in a serious tone this Friday, June 14, 2024, on France Inter. He first crushed Emmanuel Macron, who “decided on this dissolution with three or four advisors”, “plunged France into chaos and opened the doors to the extreme right”. “He plays with institutions like we play poker, he has committed an immense mistake for which he will have to answer before History”he says.

Lines “far from what LFI defended”

Raphaël Glucksmann then returned to the days that followed, and the negotiations “hard” which took place between the Socialist Party, the Ecologists, France Insoumise and the Communist Party to constitute a union of left-wing forces. Forging this new “Popular Front” “was an ideological balance of power”he agrees, before listing the “red lines” who founded the coalition. “There is an extremely clear commitment to unwavering support for Ukraine”, “we obtained that the massacres of October 7 were classified as terrorist” and commitments on “fight against anti-Semitism”.

Read also: POINT OF VIEW. “Solidarity, Ecology and Justice: the Popular Front, our common hope”

The “Popular Front”, “it’s not Nupes 2he continued. There was a reversal of the balance of power [après le score de PS-Place publique aux Européennes, N.D.L.R.] and this is why the project has evolved on lines very far from what LFI has defended until now. I understand that people can be stunned, disappointed or even betrayed. I tell them: close your eyes and imagine July 7: 300 RN deputies in the Assembly, Thierry Mariani in the Armed Forces, Marion Maréchal in the Culture…”.

Not a candidate for Prime Minister

If he concedes that he wanted to build “a social democratic pole”Raphaël Glucksmann insists that “the only thing that matters [ses] eyes is that the National Rally is not winning these legislative elections”. And “the only way to do this is to unite the left”he emphasizes.

Read also: Legislative elections 2024: who will be Prime Minister? On the left, there are already three who say they are “capable”

With whom as potential Prime Minister? “There will not be one leader, there are different incarnations,” argued the MEP. In the end, it will not be Mélenchon. We need someone who creates consensus, a figure who can bring people together beyond that”. On Laurent Berger, a profile he suggested, “I think the policies have failed and we need a calming figure”. François Ruffin, Boris Vallaud, Valérie Rabault… Raphaël Glucksmann believes that there is “lots of infinitely more consensual candidates” that Jean-Luc Mélenchon as Prime Minister of the New Popular Front. He himself is not a candidate, he assures.


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