DayFR Euro

a free festival dedicated to Korea in Paris

There South Korea fascinates, and there is something to be said for it! Breathtaking landscapes, thousand-year-old temples, ancient palaces… Its traditions and his exceptional historical heritage combine with a more modern facet, in full swing. There Hallyua wave of Korean pop culture sweeping across the world, bears witness to this: there are many enthusiasts of K-pop, K-beauty or K-dramas.

To help you discover its unique universe, Korea arrives in Paris for a weekend. Korean National Tourism Office thus organizes a unique Korean festival, free and open to allat the Forum des Halles June 22 and 23 : See you in Korea. Between workshops, conferences, shows and tastings, the program promises to be most incredible. Something to help you prepare for your next trip to the Land of the Morning Calm! Before that, pack your bags: we take you to Korea, without even leaving Paris from June 22!

Visit Korea: as if you were there

© Korean National Tourism Office

Ready to explore a world of unique colors and flavors? Direction the Place Carrée and the Patio du Forum des Halles, under the colors of Korea. Take advantage of the different activities around Hallyu and become a real Korean!

Uncover Korean beauty secrets during makeup sessions around the K-beauty. Sign up for this beauty workshop without delay ! If you are more of a manual person, don’t miss the workshops for making Buddhist lanterns, traditional games or calligraphybefore attending a revival show K-pop. This will all be followed by a dance classes and a tasting of tasty Korean cocktails. The occasion of (re)discover Korea from a new angle!

Prepare your future trip to Korea

© Korean National Tourism Office

Have these activities awakened your desire for getaways? With See you in Koreaalso take advantage of best tips for organizing your next stay. Take off first for the Land of Morning Calm (or almost) aboard a Korean Air flight. Once landed, follow the exciting travel story from a family of influencers who left for Korea a few months ago, the Bestjobers. The good deals are yours! Then stock up on vocabulary during a Korean language conference before testing your knowledge of tourism during a new quizwith prizes up for grabs!

The icing on the cake: different partners of the Korean National Tourism Office will offer you new promotions on stays in Korea as well as advice on the best routes to take. SO, ready for a unique journey, without even leaving Paris? We give ourselves See you in Korea June 22 and 23, at the Forum des Halles!

Useful information :

  • Or ? Forum des Halles (Patio and Place Carrée) – 101, porte Berger, Paris 1e
  • When ? June 22 & 23 – from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Sunday
  • How much ? Free event

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