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Yvelines: this former palace chef is revolutionizing hospital cuisine


Philippe Cohen

Published on

June 13, 2024 at 12:57 p.m.

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From Belize palaces to hospital kitchens, Laurent Girard has just as much fun. Some 1,500 meals come out every day from the central kitchens of the Rambouillet hospital center (Yvelines), where it arrived in spring 2023.

The chef, who made the good days of restaurants in the United States, Dubai, Belize and even in Africa for the French military, was able to transform the kitchens of the Yvelines hospital center in less than a year.

After years abroad, he wanted to return to mainland France after covid. There health crisis is not unrelated to the fact that he is now serving patients in a hospital. Today he brings all his know-how.

While respecting the constraints of a hospital

Despite regulatory and health constraints, the chef knew how to add his touch everywhere : “There, I prepared a sauce and cooking for the tortellini rather than everything made in a can,” shows Laurent Girard. At the end of the chain, patients and especially residents of the Rambouillet nursing home see the difference. »

“Of course, we can’t prepare a rib steak with blue cheese sauce for someone who has just come out of surgery! But in maternity and retirement homes, we can provide more. »

Laurent Girard, chef of the kitchens of Rambouillet hospital
Laurent Girard with Madina and Valérie. They make up the trays which will be distributed in the rooms of the Rambouillet hospital (Yvelines). ©Philippe Cohen

Menus adjusted with dietitians

Of the constraints, there is a whole range in a public hospital establishment: carbohydrate control for diabetics, fiber-free for people leaving the operating table, salt-free for those hospitalized in cardiology… ” Often, it’s broth with water and compote. We cannot do otherwise,” agrees Laurent Girard.

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Within the hospital center commission, alongside the dieticians, Laurent Girard was however able to adjust the menus to bring aromatics here, an extra flavor there with truffle oil, or even add carrots with a superior taste quality.

“Today we are making a Vegetable Flan much appreciated ! », Announces the chef with his seconds. An hour of preparation will be necessary between cooking and cooling.

Very strict cooking and cooling rules

Managing hot and cold: this is one of the other challenges for Laurent Girard and his teams. It is mandatory that food be within a strict temperature range: “not below 5°C and not above 63°C”. “We cannot make lasagna, for example, because the heart cannot be cooled according to the defined rules,” he says.

Laurent Girard, however, found tips to improve the ordinary meals: “I replaced the old moussaka with Greek-style beef cooked in a frying pan. Of the beef meatballs seasoned with truffle oil or hot beets carbonara have also entered the menu this year,” the chef gives as an example.

The true culinary revolution of the hospital center actually concerned the residents of the EHPAD and the maternity service.

“Not before giving birth!” Afterwards the mothers may be hungry, so I added starters and desserts to the platter: an éclair or a cream puff, an improved salad. »

Laurent Girard, chef of the kitchens of Rambouillet hospital
The trays prepared in the central kitchen of the Rambouillet hospital (Yvelines) are sent by trolley to the patient rooms. ©Philippe Cohen

“Make grandmothers happy”

Where the impact is strongest is during lunch and dinner at the retirement home, at the patio of Angennes. “It’s a pleasure to please grandmothers with a shepherd’s pie or a calf’s head with gribiche sauce or even an Auvergne quiche,” relishes Laurent Girard.

“I also adapt by being tender while helping them to maintain a chewing percentage with salmon rillettes, minced meat, eggplant caviar or poached eggs,” lists the chef.

“The meal is also a treatment and contributes to well-being”, explains Anastasia Miclot, deputy director in charge of purchasing, logistics and sustainable development. The crux of the matter is having your hand on the controls with, behind the computer, another key official: manager Emmanuelle Wentz.

No waste

Laurent Girard also led us to a strategic location: the reserve where the precise orders arrive that will make the difference in the dishes. Top quality herbs, spices and supplies to surprise the palate.

Hospitalized patients (150 per day), the 160 residents of the nursing home, the 50 residents of the Ablis retirement home and the 250 hospital workerswho eat in restaurants, are now the recipients of these improved meals.

“There is zero waste, proof that the meals are appreciated!” notes Anastasia Miclot. The surplus from retirement homes goes to self-service, for example. There is a weekly management so that nothing is lost! »

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