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Who are the celebrities who have chosen Nièvre and its beautiful residences?

Gérard Vivès, Hélène Vincent, Jacques Dutronc, Didier Pironi… Nièvre has counted and counts among its inhabitants celebrities determined to enjoy its gentle way of life. These names from cinema, television, motorsport own or have owned a house, a castle, a wood…

Nestled in the center of France, Nièvre has natural settings where life is good. Far from the Parisian tumult, several celebrities have settled there occasionally, or year-round, or to invest there…

Fabrice Luchini and Saint-Germain-Chassenay

The famous actor Fabrice Luchini is said to have acquired around fifteen hectares of woods in the town of Saint-Germain-Chassenay. The man who found success with Les Nuits de la plein lune in 1985, however, seems to be keeping a low profile in the region if we are to believe the village mayor, who nevertheless says he is ready to welcome him with open arms. Recently appearing in the series Tapie, Fabrice Luchini will soon share the bill with Catherine Deneuve and Chiara Mastroianni in Marcello Mio. Fabrice Luchini. (Photo: Christophe Masson, archive 2007)

Guy Carlier and Saint-Aubin-des-Chaumes

Both a writer, lyricist, television and radio man, Guy Carlier regularly occupied the family home in Saint-Aubin-des-Chaumes. He sold the family home a few months ago. This town, which is home to less than 100 people, is close to Bazoches, famous for its castle where Marshal Vauban took up residence.Guy Carlier – Photo Christophe Masson (archive 2023)

Julien Cohen and Tannay

Another emblematic figure of the region, Julien Cohen first set his sights on Prémery, before moving part of his activity to Tannay where he bought the Caves Tannaysiennes. The antiques dealer who hosted the show Affaire Conclue for several years alongside Sophie Davant also became the owner of the Notre-Dame-de-Pitié chapel in Nevers, the old Saint-Étienne church in Vézelay and the Hostellerie from the post office in Avallon.Julien Cohen, recognizable by his emblematic blue glasses.

Gerard Vivès and Garchizy

Former star of the small screen, Gérard Vivès has also decided to take up residence in Nièvre, and more particularly near Garchizy. Famous for his iconic role as a gym receptionist in The Girls Next Door, since 2014 he has been the proud owner of the Château de la Vernée, which he rents out for weddings and other events. Gérard Vivès at the Château de la Vernée (Photo Christophe Masson)

Yves Pignot and Amazy

Yves Pignot – often recognized for his role as Jacques Le Kervelec in the series En Famille – chose to set up the family home in Amazy. Although deemed discreet by the village mayor, the actor nevertheless seems particularly active in the life of the town and appears regularly at village festivals. Yves Pignot is also known for having played in the films Goodbye idiots from Dupontel, Jail by Claude Miller, and the professional by Georges Lautner, The Ace of Aces by Gérard Oury, Fanfan the Tulip by Gérard Krawczyk…Yves Pignot performing in Moulins. (Photo Corentin Garault)

Hélène Vincent and Saint-André-en-Morvan

Among the other celebrities based in Nièvre, we can mention Hélène Vincent. The one who won the César for best supporting actress in 1989 for her iconic role as Marielle Le Quesnoy in Life is a Long Quiet River has long lived near Saint-André-en-Morvan, where people describe him as a very approachable and friendly person. Helene Vincent.

Michel Zink and Lormes

Another celebrity from Nièvre, academician Michel Zink, owns a house in Lormes. The man of letters notably collaborated with the Camosine (Caisse pour les monuments et sites de la Nièvre) for whom he looked into the place of the Nivernais in the poetry of the Middle Ages, a subject on which he made his specialty .Michel Zink is a specialist in medieval literature.

Hugues Aufray and Moux-en-Morvan or Toury-Lurcy

Finally, we can note that the singer Hugues Aufray regularly visits Nièvre. The interpreter of Santiano is a regular at Moux-en-Morvan, but he also happens to leave his luggage near Toury-Lurcy, a village he knows well since the mayor, Guy Hourcabie, is none other than one of his closest friends.In November 2023 (photo Francis Campagnoni)

Jacques Dutronc and La Chapelle-Saint-André

If you lived in La Chapelle-Saint-André in the 1970s, you may have been lucky enough to see Jacques Dutronc on a street corner. The famous singer who celebrated his 81st birthday last April lived there for around twenty years, before selling his property at the end of the 1980s. A park located a few steps from his former home also bears his name Today. Jacques Dutronc’s son, Thomas, still remembers vacations spent here.Thomas Dutronc at the Michelin-starred restaurant Côte Saint-Jacques in Joigny. (Photo Marion Boisjot)

Rika Zaraï and Oisy

The famous singer Rika Zaraï died on December 23, 2020 at the age of 82. She had owned a house for several years, in Oisy, near Clamecy.Rika Zaraï, in May 90 (Centre France archive)

Car racers and Magny-Cours

Nièvre and its Nevers-Magny-Cours racing circuit also attracted the famous couple formed by Didier Pironi and Véronique Jannot in the 1980s. It is precisely on the Chantenay-Saint-Imbert side that the actress and the driver lived for a few years, before the latter died tragically in an accident in 1987. René Arnoux preferred Saint-Parize-le-Châtel. Jacques Laffite lived in a house in the town center of Magny-Cours before settling in Challuy. Jacques Laffite in 2019. Photo Christophe Masson

François Mitterrand and Château-Chinon

In this overview of personalities loyal to Nièvre, it is difficult to omit François Mitterrand who left a lasting mark on the territory and still does today. 1946, François Mitterrand is elected deputy for Nièvre. A successful parachute drop which will take the form, over the years, of a link, of loyalty between a man and his land of adoption and election. In rural Morvan, in Château-Chinon, Mitterrand is and will remain, even when he becomes president, a mayor among others, or almost.Exhibition at the Departmental Archives of Nièvre.

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Focus on the Nièvre real estate market

Like Creuse or Indre, Nièvre is one of the departments where the price of real estate is the cheapest in France. According to Le Figaro Immobilier, the median price per m² in the department was €946 as of March 1, 2024. According to Le Figaro Immobilier, the cost per m² has however increased by 10% over the last five years.

Among the more expensive towns in the department, we find Marzy (1,570 €/m²), Coulanges-lès-Nevers (1,497 €/m²) and Saint-Éloi (1,343 €/m²). For its part, Nevers remains around €1,119/m².

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If we continue to analyze the local real estate market, we see that for housing in an old building, it costs around €926/m² compared to €1,774/m² in new housing. It should be noted, however, that almost no difference can be noted between the median price of a house or apartment (€941/m² versus €951/m²).

Finally, if we pay attention to the evolution of the volume of property sales in Nièvre, the observation is clear: in the space of ten years, the number of transactions has greatly decreased. In January 2015, 1,366 properties were sold. This figure increased to 638 in January 2024.

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These celebrities who chose Nièvre – Nevers (58000) (


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