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François Hollande says he is “favorable” to the agreement of the new Popular Front

An intervention just a few minutes after the officialization of the union on the left. François Hollande, the former President of the Republic, invited to the 8 p.m. TF1said to himself “favorable” to this agreement between the left-wing parties, with a view to the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

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“We must do everything to ensure that the far right does not come to power in France”declared the former head of state, in power from 2012 to 2017. “It was the duty of the left to unite, to bring together all political families”, he added. Asked about the name of the possible future Prime Minister of the left, and in particular the possibility of seeing Jean-Luc Mélenchon at Matignon, François Hollande was very clear.

The leader of LFI “has made comments recently that do not place him in a position to claim a place in a governmental future”did he declare. “We must all show responsibility”in his words.

The dissolution “comes at the worst time” according to him

The decision to dissolve the National Assembly “comes at the worst time and in the worst circumstances, at a time when Europe is facing a war on its doorstep and France is going to host the Olympic Games”also deplored the former president on TF1calling for a barrier to ” the extreme right “ to the legislative elections.

He pleaded, in the second round, for support for the candidates best placed to “avoid the extreme right”even if they are “LR or the majority” presidential, defending a “principle of withdrawal” from the left if necessary.


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