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Should Ontario reimburse PrEP? The NDP is convinced of this

The New Democratic Party (NDP) is back in action and is asking Doug Ford’s government to add several drugs related to sexual health to the list of treatments reimbursed under the provincial insurance program.

Currently, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), two medications that prevent the transmission of HIV, are not covered by the public insurance program. Nonsense for Krystin Wong-Tam, who represents the riding of Toronto Center, where the gay district of the metropolis is located.

By providing coverage OHIPOntario could significantly reduce the transmission of HIV in all our communities.

A quote from Krystin Wong-Tam, Member of the Legislative Assembly

Last week, before parliamentary proceedings adjourned, Krystin Wong-Tam tabled a motion to try to force the government’s hand.

In addition to reimbursement for antiretrovirals capable of blocking the transmission of the AIDS virus, she asks the ministry to offer the vaccine against the human papillomavirus (HPV) free of charge, when a doctor recommends it. Finally, it also offers provincial reimbursement for home test kits for uterine cancer.

[Le remboursement] means saving lives. This means reducing high health care costs in the long term explains the elected official.

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Krystin Wong-Tam is pushing for drugs related to the sexual health of Ontarians to be universally reimbursed by the province.

Photo: Radio-Canada

Krystin Wong-Tam indicates that she has had some discussions with the Minister of Health regarding her motion. An encouraging gesture, according to her, which however did not lead to any concrete commitment from the government. She also denounces the passive role of the Ford government, given the scientific consensus that has developed in recent years regarding the benefits linked to these treatments.

Why then refuse to reimburse them? I believe it is because of the population that needs these drugs, admits the MP. If the community LGBTQ+ is at higher risk of infection HIVlike gay men and sex workers, Krystin Wong-Tam wants to emphasize that it is all sexually active Ontarians who will benefit from expanded coverage.

Currently, an individual must pay up to $1,000 for a monthly prescription of Prep. Access to the PPE is also prohibitive: the cost can reach $1,500, a financial barrier that the Toronto AIDS Committee would like to see disappear.

The stigma linked to HIV and the cost of these highly effective medications continue to be our biggest barriers to preventing new infections in Ontario noted Ryan Lyskspokesperson for the organization.

Currently, only participants in the OHIP+ program, Ontarians aged 65 and over or recipients of the Ontario Disability Support Program can obtain reimbursement of the Prep from the provincial government.


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