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Press release from the Council of Ministers of Wednesday June 12, 2024

The President of the Republic began his communication on the announcement of the first oil extraction from the Sangomar field making Senegal an oil producing country since June 11, 2024. For the Head of State, it is a moment historic and an important step which has just been taken by our country in its quest for energy sovereignty. The President of the Republic congratulated the Government, in particular the Minister of Energy, Oil and Mines but also the PETROSEN group, the partner Woodside Energy and all those who contributed to the realization of this project started in 2020.

The Head of State asked the Prime Minister and the entire Government to ensure the optimal and transparent exploitation of national oil and gas resources for the benefit of the national economy and current and future generations.

In the process, the President of the Republic announced the upcoming holding of a session of the Strategic Orientation Committee for Oil and Gas (COSPETROGAZ) whose composition will be revised. The objective of this session will be to update the national strategy for the development and exploitation of oil and gas resources while ensuring the proper distribution and supervision of the management of revenues from the exploitation of hydrocarbons.

On another note, the Head of State reminded the Government that the high cost of living remains a major concern for our compatriots. He praised the methodical and calm work undertaken, since April 2, 2024, by the Government under the direction of the Prime Minister with all the economic and social actors concerned in order to find rapid, sustainable and lasting solutions to reduce the cost of living. and increase the purchasing power of households. In this regard, the President of the Republic asked the Prime Minister to proceed, as soon as possible, with the announcement of the decisions taken by the Government to lower the prices of certain current consumer products and services. He also invited the Government to take all measures for the effective application of the approved prices which will be announced.

Referring to the celebration close to the Tabaski festival, the Head of State took the opportunity to send in advance his warm congratulations and best wishes to the Islamic Ummah and to the Muslim community of Senegal in particular. He called on the entire Nation to pray for a Senegal of peace, justice and prosperity in solidarity. The President of the Republic asked the Government, in particular the Minister of the Interior, to take all measures for the proper organization of prayer ceremonies throughout the national territory. He informed the Council that he will participate in the Tabaski prayer at the Great Mosque of Dakar.

Addressing the issue of Senegal’s digital sovereignty, the President of the Republic asked the Government to update the legal framework for the telecommunications and digital sector and to strengthen digital territorial planning promoting universal access. to quality telephony and internet throughout the national territory. To this end, he recalled the urgency of relaunching the activities and monitoring the governance of the Universal Telecommunications Service Development Fund (FDSUT). The Head of State also asked the Government to work for good control of Senegal’s digital heritage and to establish a governance model adapted to public digital infrastructures as well as Data.

As such, he asked the Minister in charge of Digital Affairs to finalize the new legislative framework relating to personal data and the supervision of the hosting of national data. The President of the Republic also invited the Prime Minister and the Minister in charge of Telecommunications and Digital Technology to accelerate the full digitalization of administrations and the definition of an advanced national Cyber ​​security strategy in order to strengthen confidence in the digital sector.

The Head of State also asked the Government to provide greater support to private companies in the Digital sector with a view to developing digital entrepreneurship, Start-ups in particular, a source of innovation and massive creation of new jobs in several branches of activity. The President of the Republic also urged the Prime Minister to rehabilitate the National Digital Council, a major institutional framework for public/private partnership, to accentuate the development of the digital economy and the digital sovereignty of Senegal. Speaking about the management of the heritage of national archives, the Head of State indicated the need for the Government to consider the implementation, from this year, of a national program to ensure the optimal conservation and development of archives of Senegal.

This large-scale program must give priority to the construction of a national library, regional and departmental libraries, as well as the controlled recruitment of professional archivists and documentalists in ministries and other public and parapublic entities.

At the start of his communication, the Prime Minister returned to the new era which is dawning for Senegal with the extraction of the first barrels from the Sangomar oil field. In this regard, he recalled that in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Senegal, natural resources belong to the people and must be used to improve their living conditions. In this regard, the Government will examine the prospects and challenges of a just transition that would promote sustainable and inclusive development, at the socio-economic and environmental levels.
The Prime Minister indicated that vigilance must be required. In this context, Artificial Intelligence will be used to improve the management of these resources, particularly in terms of quantitative monitoring, securing production and preventing environmental risks.

Addressing measures to reduce the cost of living, the Prime Minister presented to the Council the results of consultations organized with all stakeholders, with the aim of relieving the budget of the most disadvantaged households while ensuring sustainability. budgetary. These measures, which relate to certain essential foodstuffs, consumer products and services and the facilitation of access to housing, will be made public this Thursday, June 13, 2024.

To close his communication, the Prime Minister announced the scheduling of the first meeting of the Interministerial Committee on Prevention and Road Safety as well as the holding of preparatory meetings of the Interministerial Councils devoted respectively to the situation of hydraulic projects and infrastructure. ports and maritime.


· The Minister of Energy, Oil and Mines reported on his visit to the mining areas of Kédougou and his mission to Qatar;
· The Minister of Finance and Budget made a communication on the preparation of the budgetary orientation debate;
· The Minister of Communication, Telecommunications and Digital Affairs took stock of the DTT concession agreement linking the State of Senegal to the company EXCAF Télécom;
· The Minister of Industry and Commerce took stock of the situation of the onion and potato market;
· The Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Livestock made a statement on the market supply of sheep for Tabaski.


– The draft Decree modifying Decree No. 2016-1542 of October 3, 2016 creating and setting the rules of organization and operation of the Strategic Orientation Committee for Oil and Gas (COS-PETROGAZ);
– The multi-year budgetary and economic programming document (DPBEP) 2025-2027.


The President of the Republic took the following decisions:

• Mr Abdoulaye FAYE, Civil Administrator, pay number n° 513-722/Z, is appointed Deputy Secretary General of the Government, replacing Mr Alyoune Badara DIOP called to other functions;

• Mr. Cheikh DIENG, Magistrate, pay number no. 616-151/N, is appointed Deputy Secretary General of the Government;

• Mr. Alioune Palla MBAYE, Legal Advisor, salary number no. 747 541/H, is appointed Director of General Administration and Equipment at the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, replacing Madame Ramatoulaye DIENG called to other functions;

• Mr. Idrissa Samba SALL, holder of a Master’s degree in Finance and Public Management, salary number n° 640 925/J, is appointed Director of General Administration and Equipment at the Ministry of Microfinance and the Economy social and solidarity, replacing Mr. Mouhamadou SENE called to other functions;

• Mrs. Ramatoulaye DIENG, Civil Administrator, pay number no. 608 865/G, is appointed Inspector of Central and Territorial Administration at the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security;

• Mr Cheikh BA, State Security Specialist, previously Technical Inspector at the Ministry in charge of Crafts, is appointed Inspector of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Energy, Oil and Mines, replacing Madame Aïssatou Alima SAMBOU, Inspector of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Oil and Energy and Madame Fatou SARR SOUMARE, Inspector of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Mines and Geology;

• Madame Coumba SOW, Lawyer, salary number n° 620 268/Z, is appointed Inspector of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Cooperation, replacing Madame Maguette DIOP, admitted to his rights to a retirement pension;

• Mrs. Marième DIAGNE TALLA, Lawyer, salary number no. 604 979/A, is appointed Inspector of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Fisheries, Maritime and Port Infrastructure, replacing Mr. Mamadou GOUDIABY, called to other functions ;

• Mrs. Nafissatou FALL NDIAYE, Secondary Education Teacher, exceptional class, salary number no. 519 031/O, is appointed Inspector of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Family and Solidarity;

• Mr. Modou MBAYE, Design Engineer in Civil Engineering, exceptional class, salary number no. 515 420/G, is appointed Technical Inspector at the Ministry of Family and Solidarity;

• Mr. Lazard SARR, Inspector of Popular Education, Youth and Sports, pay number no. 632 054/F, is appointed Inspector of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture;

• Mr. Baba NDOYE, Tourism Executive, salary number no. 611 817/H, is appointed Inspector of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Tourism and Crafts;

•Madame Paule Marie Antoinette SAGNA, Electrical Engineer, is appointed Executive Secretary of the Energy Sector Regulatory Commission.

The Minister of Vocational Training, Government Spokesperson
Amadou Moustapha Njekk SARRE


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