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“Eric Ciotti? Let him leave on his own”: Outcry in the Oise after the announcement of an LR-RN alliance

Eric Ciotti announces a alliance between LR And RN. “The outgoing LR deputies who wish so will not have RN candidates facing them” declared the boss of the Republicans on TF1 this Tuesday, June 11. In L’Oisethis statement caused a outcry.

Pierre Vatin: “Ciotti? Let him leave on his own.”

“Let him go of his own accord.” After the announcement of the wish of LR president Eric Ciotti to form an alliance with the National Rally for the early legislative elections, Pierre Vatin requested the resignation of his leader. “It’s a decision made by Ciotti alone, no one agrees with him: Gérard Larcher, Olivier Marleix, Laurent Wauquier, Valérie Pécresse, Xavier Bertrand…” Again, in shock at the announcement, the deputy of the 5th constituency of Oise (Compiègne, Crépy, Pierrefonds), explains “that in the internal loop of LR deputies there are many demanding his resignation”.

For his part, Pierre Vatin still announces that he is a candidate for his succession, “but without forming an alliance with the National Rally”. But will he be invested? “It’s a bit special given that it’s the president of the investiture commission (Michèle Tabarot, Editor’s note) who makes this decision: we don’t know at all and I think that the party’s staff will be a little jostled this afternoon.” In the hectic hours following the announcement of the dissolution by President Macron on Sunday evening, Pierre Vatin believes that the internal turmoil among the LR “adds a difficulty at least for today”. And tomorrow ? “Tomorrow we will see, perhaps things will be clearer.”

Victor Habert-Dassault: “I am far from negotiations”

Victor Habert-Dassault: LR party

For his part, outgoing MP Victor Habert-Dassault (LR) reacts to the dissolution of the National Assembly in a press release sent this Tuesday, June 11. However, he does not directly mention Eric Ciotti’s decision on an alliance between LR and RN in certain constituencies. The outgoing deputy for the first constituency of Oise is content with a brief allusion: “I am today far from the negotiations taking place between the parties and in Paris. I trace my path. I made Oise my party.” Understand who can.

For Arnaud Dumontier, Ciotti “chose dishonor”

In the Oise, the reactions were not long in coming. On the social network “You had to choose between dishonor or war. You have chosen dishonor and you will have war.”

Daniel Leca: “This decision is a disgrace to the Republic”

Photo: Oise Hebdo Archives.

If he is not registered with LR (he is UDI), Daniel Leca sits in the Hauts-de-France Region in the ranks of Xavier Bertrand’s majority. Like the president of the Region, the regional councilor and leader of the opposition in the Compiègne municipal council denounces the decision taken by Eric Ciotti.

“Eric Ciotti’s decision is a shame to the right, a shame to the Republic. All candidates, particularly LR, who do not have an RN candidate facing them must be considered as supporters of the RN. And there can be no ambiguity…” he declares on the social network X.

And to conclude: “The risk of seeing the National Rally be in the majority in a few weeks has never been so strong. I refuse to see my country sink into decline and the unknown! I will do as much as possible to prevent it!”

The outgoing deputy for the seventh constituency of Oise Maxime Minot (LR) did not respond to our requests.


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