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the “disturbing”, “perverse” and “sadistic” profile of the adolescent

When he talks about the death of little Roze-Izabela, 5 years old, Gabriel* smiles… As of this Tuesday, June 11, the young man aged 15, at the time of the facts, must answer for this murder of which he is the main suspect . A tragedy that occurred on April 25, 2023, in the Vosges. That day, the girl’s body was found dead in a plastic bag in the building where the teenager lived. It was Gabriel himself who raised the alarm.

The autopsy reveals that Roze-Izabela was drowned. The victim’s DNA was detected on the teenager’s private parts and traces of semen and seminal fluid were found on the girl’s clothes. To his fellow inmate, he explained that he had killed her after not having succeeded in sexually assaulting her. He denies any sexual act, despite the evidence.

Gabriel, a teenager with “sadistic tendencies” ?

Before his trial is held behind closed doors before the Epinal children’s court, BFMTV reveals the psychiatric and psychological analyzes of the young man. In a document dated July 2023, the teenager’s words are transcribed: “For three or four days, I had the idea of ​​drowning someone. I drowned it for fun. I was zen when it happened”. Stéphane Giuranna, lawyer for Rose’s family. details: “The six psychiatrists write that he is perverse, that he is sadistic, that there is a criminological danger, and that the risk of recidivism is inevitable”.

He adds : “And they go further, they say that no educational measure, no psychological or psychiatric follow-up measure would be likely to reduce this risk of recidivism”. For psychiatric experts, its dangerousness is “major”. They emphasize that it is “fully capable of drawing the boundaries between good and evil.” One of the experts wonders about a possible “sadistic tendency”.

“It felt like he was saying, ‘I’m going to kill you.’”

And for good reason. The profile of the young man has always worried. He plays Xbox and is often on TikTok, but those are the few things that connect him to teens “normal”. The rest of the time, he roams the city on his bike. “He was scary. In his disturbing look you had the impression that he was saying: ‘I’m going to kill you, I’m going to rape your daughter’. As a result, I never left my 6 or 7 year old daughter alone. I was really scared”, confided a neighbor to our reporter at the time. One before his Roze-Izabela act, the then 14-year-old teenager attacked two 11-year-old boys in a park in Rambervillers.

After playing with them, he attacks them: he ties them to a tree, pulls down their pants, performs oral sex on each of them, then piles up dead leaves at their feet and threatens to burn them alive. The parents of the two victims filed a complaint against Gabriel who is indicted for “kidnapping, rape and assault on a fifteen-year-old minor”, but left free, placed in an educational center. After a year, the maximum period provided for by law, he is released and begins to roam around the Rambervillers funfair. A mother catches him staring at a 5-year-old girl: He didn’t look at her normally. He looked her up and down. He looked at her legs (…) and her ass.” Gabriel faces up to 20 years in prison.


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