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By majority, Morocco elected vice-president of Interpol for Africa

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A press release from the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) indicates that the representative of the Kingdom was elected thanks to the votes of delegates from 96 member countries, with a large lead compared to the rest of the candidates, during the voting operation which took place on the occasion of the 92nd General Assembly ofInterpol who stands at Glasgow (November 4-7), in Scotland.

As already revealed by Médias24, Morocco had presented its candidacy for this position, driven by a firm desire to contribute to the development of police structures in Africa, and a resolute determination to strengthen South-South security cooperation and exchange experiences and expertise with security services in its continental environment.

The Moroccan candidacy is inspired by the high royal guidelines establishing the South-South cooperation as a strategic choice and priority for the Kingdom and its African partners, according to a pragmatic vision based on the development of relations linking Morocco to African countries at all levels, including security.

Based on this vision, the Kingdom submitted a well-constructed application file to occupy this position, based on investment in police human resources in Africa, the development of security structures and the consolidation of police cooperation. within the African space with a view to drying up the sources of irregular immigration and human trafficking and preventing their connections with networks of cross-border crime.

Following its election to the Interpol executive committee as vice-president of the Organization for Africa, Morocco aspires to coordinate efforts with national central offices in African countries and in the rest of the countries of the world in order to to respond quickly and efficiently to terrorist threats linked to the regional ramifications of extremist organizations.

It is also about highlighting and coordinating efforts to combat unconventional risks relating to the malicious use of Artificial Intelligence and new technologies by organized crime groups.

The DGSN had presented the candidacy of the prefect of police for this position Mohamed Dkhissidirector of the judicial police and head of Bureau central national d’Interpol-Rabat. He is elected for a three-year term.

The Director General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance (DGSN-DGST), Abdellatif Hammouchiwho chaired the delegation of the Kingdom of Morocco to the 92nd session of the Interpol General Assembly in Glasgow, took part in multilateral discussions and bilateral meetings which focused on ways to strengthen international security cooperation and joint police action, in addition to supporting Morocco’s candidacy for the vice-presidency of Interpol for Africa.

Created in 1923, Interpol is an international criminal police organization, whose main objective is to support national capacities and the exchange of information and expertise between the security services of the 196 member countries to better prevent and fight against transnational ramifications of different forms of crime and security threats.


Mohamed Dkhissi: Everything you need to know about the functioning of the BNPJ and Interpol Morocco

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