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SENEGAL-PRESSE-REVUE / Daily newspapers highlight responses from the Prime Minister’s conference – Senegalese Press Agency

Dakar, June 11 (APS) – The daily newspapers on Tuesday only have it for Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko, whose statements made on Sunday during a political conference in Dakar continue to fuel the newspaper columns.

The newspaper Le Quotidien recalls that the head of government took advantage of this platform “to settle scores with those he considers to be his detractors”, whether journalists or opponents, but also certain magistrates.

The replies to these statements, considered controversial by many observers, are featured in most newspapers, such as Vox Populi, which has on its front page: “Sonko, the backlash”.

“After his show at the Grand Théâtre, politicians and members of civil society spit their truths at him,” writes Vox Populi, speaking of the Prime Minister, who, in his declarations, did not spare the opposition and The old regime, journalists too, even certain magistrates took it for their rank.

He assured that light will be shed on certain cases linked to political unrest recorded in Senegal between 2021 and 2024. Likewise Ousmane Sonko promised that those who embezzled public funds would be prosecuted, in particular accusing press companies.

The consequence of these declarations is that “Sonko receives a barrage of green light” from several politicians and observers, notes the daily Les Echos.

“Sonko awakens the opposition”

The observers and political actors cited by the newspaper notably ask the Prime Minister to leave his opponent’s clothes for those of head of government, a way of suggesting that he fully commit to action in order to provide answers to concerns. of his compatriots.

“Steal of green wood against Sonko”, insists L’info, which reviews certain reactions to the Prime Minister’s exit, including that of the former presidential candidate of March 24, Anta Babacar Ngom. “The time for speeches is over! Get to work,” she says to the head of government.

The news also reports the reaction of MP Abdou Mbow, an important figure in the Macky Sall regime, in power until April 2: “He must stop threatening people. He has all the instruments. He has the reports on his table, he just has to take action,” Mr. Mbow said of the Prime Minister.

“Press, magistrates, opposition…”, the head of government spared no one. “Ousmane Sonko thus awakened civil society and politicians after the arrows he distributed on Sunday at the Grand-Théâtre,” indicates the daily Bès Bi Le Jour, which points out that civil society, in particular, “charges Sonko”.

The daily Le Mandat affirms that through his declarations, Ousmane Sonko “turns his back on the press and awakens the opposition”, estimating that his exit “has allowed certain members of the opposition who were until now groggy to rebel and to address him unceremoniously.”

Tribune judges that this “threatening exit seems to trigger the end of the state of grace after the president’s regime came to power [Bassirou Diomaye Faye]”, an observation which is not unrelated to the analysis of Walfquotidien pointing out “the ravages of a Com”, that of the Prime Minister.

”The same style as in the opposition”

“Despite their relevance, notes this newspaper, the messengers delivered by Ousmane Sonko struggle to reach the target. They are drowned out by his outings, during his press conferences. Which negatively impact its communication”.

The Observer, for its part, sets out to dissect the state of mind of the head of government. “The style is the man,” he writes, evoking the uncompromising tone and the criticisms considered virulent of the current Prime Minister from the time when he was the emblematic leader of the Senegalese opposition.

“But even in power, in the role of head of government, Ousmane Sonko keeps the same style,” adds L’Observateur. “Sonko, measure and excess”, he displays on his front page.

Le Quotidien L’As asks questions about the future of the former mayor of Dakar Khalifa Sall, an unsuccessful candidate in the presidential election on March 24, after which he only received 1.56% of the vote. votes.

At 68 years old, Khalifa Sall “is entitled to one last participation” in a presidential election in 2029. “Will he be forced to go or is he preparing one of his foals? In any case, replies L’As, his potential successors at the head of Taxawu Senegal do not have all the assurances to carry the torch”.

Le Soleil, far from politics, makes its front page on illegal emigration, to highlight “the extent of this scourge, a symbol of the despair of thousands of young people for Senegal”.

The newspaper’s reporter went to Kafountine (south), but also to Fass Boye (center), the Senegalese coast where “canoes abound”, waiting to take on board candidates for illegal emigration, “with their lot of death and psychological disaster.”



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