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A Vaudois median salary of 6,690 francs

The median gross salary reaches 6,690 francs in the canton of Vaud in 2022. Salary differences are very marked between economic branches. Over ten years, the real growth in this median salary amounts to 280 francs.

IT activities, heavily in demand by the digital transition and cybersecurity, have a median salary of 9,720 francs, or 45% more than the Vaud median salary, Statistique Vaud indicated on Tuesday. It is also more than double that measured in accommodation and catering, which reaches 4,410 francs.

In this ranking, in addition to IT, the pharmaceutical industry, financial services, scientific and technical activities as well as education appear at the top of the basket. At the other end of the scale are accommodation and catering, retail and metallurgy.

Also the bonuses

Four branches account for almost a third of the total amount of special bonuses paid, that is to say bonuses included in the employment contract and the amount of which can vary from one year to the next. These are wholesale trade (14%), financial activities (9%), economic activities (5%) and the food industry (4%). Special bonuses represent approximately 4.2% of the payroll paid in 2022, indicates Statistique Vaud.

In 2022, the gender pay gap reaches 370 francs, compared to 780 francs in 2012. In ten years, the median salary of women (+9%) has increased more than that of men (+2%).


The Vaud median salary increased by 480 francs between 2012 and 2022. Over ten years, this corresponds to a real growth of 280 francs, if we take into account the general evolution of prices (+ 3.3%).

Furthermore, the surge in prices between October 2020 and October 2022 (+ 4.3%), caused a drop in the median real salary in 2022 (-1.2% compared to 2020). If in the Vaud public sector, the real salary fell (-4.3%), in the private sector, on the other hand, the real growth of the median salary remained stable, details Statistique Vaud.

This article was automatically published. Source: ats


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