DayFR Euro

The Department strengthens its “integration ecosystem”

Concretely, each RSA beneficiary will sign from 1is January 2025 an “engagement contract” with Travail (formerly Pôle emploi, Editor’s note). Combining rights and duties, it will condition training for professions in shortage to a minimum required level of activity. In interoperability with stakeholders, the Department will highlight its experience in social matters, mobilizing its territorial solidarity services (SST) and its ActivitY' and AutonomY agencies. The aim is to offer three support pathways, each adapted to the employability of the profiles followed. Therefore, any obstacle to hiring will be met with a re-mobilizing solution that listens to needs: childcare, digital training, health check, strengthening self-confidence, awareness of promising professions with a dedicated departmental orientation center…

« This densification will make it possible to provide specific assistance, particularly for young adults in Child Welfare. (ASE),” specifies Georges Siffredi. From an experiment carried out in the region with 444 beneficiaries, four lessons could be learned. Faced with a high prevalence of socio-professional obstacles, beneficiaries say they are generally satisfied, despite a certain absenteeism. The challenge in the future will be that of the frequency of contacts with their referent, still lower than the objective, whatever the support route proposed within the new social center of Clichy-Levallois. A final challenge to take on, so that everyone can find their way and their place in society.



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