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Dordogne: A tightrope show with four real chickens in Excideuil

Johanna Gallard from the company Au fil du vent offers a tightrope show with four chickens.

Johanna Gallard from the company Au fil du vent will offer three tightrope performances of “L’Envol de la fourmi” at Excideuil, Thursday June 13 and Friday June 14.

HASt the beginning, there is Ant, a sensitive, delicate and clumsy clown. With side steps and stumbling steps, from tiny steps to long strides, she tries to find her place. Singular beings appear on stage with her and share this somewhat crazy dream: to fly. Gain momentum, wander on a wire by all means, each discovery is a pretext for attempts at first flight. Between the tightrope clown and the little artists with fine beaks, complicity is built with every step.

But ‘who tames who’ With a few words and a lot of listening, their curiosity pushes them to want to understand each other. Thanks to the trust they place in each other and by encouraging each other, Ant and his chickens challenge themselves and take risks to take flight. They will learn to cultivate “fall” and fly with their own wings, seeking a fragile balance between earth and sky.

Playing partners

Ant and his feathered companions tell us through their hesitations, their relationship with others. By embracing their differences and allowing emotions to emerge, the clown and these birds of the earth share much more than their dream of flying. They live in the present moment together. The Ant is a clown, with a red nose and blond mop of hair streaming from a Phrygian cap, she is touching. Like clowns, she hesitates, stutters, speaks and tries to tame the space alone. On a wire stretched from one end of the stage to the other, she makes a few pranks while holding two canes at arm’s length like ski poles.

One, then two, three, finally four tightrope chickens complete the cast of what we discover to be an animal balancing act.

“The Flight of the Ant” by Johanna Gallard from the company Au fil du vent. School sessions Thursday June 13 at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., then general public Friday June 14 at 10 a.m. in the Château d’Excideuil room. Information: 05 53 62 46 58.

Louisette Joudinaud

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