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Feuquières: at Saverglass, the CGT refuses to reduce salaries by 7%

Faced with a drop in production, the luxury glassmaker Saverglass, in crisis, offered its employees to reduce their salaries by 7% over six months. Which the CGT categorically refuses.

The luxury glassmaker proposed, during a CSE meeting on October 23, to all its employees to reduce their salaries by 7% for six months to compensate for the poor figures for September and October.

All while promising not to lay off anyone during this period.

As a reminder, Saverglass employs nearly 1,200 employees in Feuquières.

But we have no guarantee for the seventh month. Then the executives say that they will lower their salaries by 20 to 30% but we have no proof of this.”

insists Pascal Vallée, CGT union representative at Saverglass in Feuquières

This is the first time that employees have been offered such a maneuver. So they too, faced with the situation, join forces for a first.

Saverglass unions want to hire an accountant

A merger of the unions with the CFDT and the CFTC is planned to request an extraordinary CSE in November in order to hire an accountant who would audit the company's accounts. That way we would know if we can trust our management, explains Pascal Vallée. Because she has been refusing us this for fifteen years and therefore feeds our suspicions.

Without this, the CGT will stick to its position, and will under no circumstances accept the figure of 7%.

We at the CGT will not sign the reduction in wages. We only sign for purchasing power. Life is expensive we can't afford it. Then we must not forget that we are coming out of six months of partial unemployment, and that despite that we are still being asked to make sacrifices.

underlines the union delegate

“We realize that we are in danger”

Sacrifices for a period of decline which began after a very good year 2023 and the sale of Saverglass to the Australian group Orora at the very end of the year.

We felt the beginnings of the problem. For the same number of ovens they employed half as many people at Orora. So now we're going for the hard part. We realize that we are in danger. Everyone expects the worst but we will fight, without talking about a strike for the moment. We are delaying the signature, especially since according to our reports, the employees do not agree in the other factories either..”

confides Pascal Vallée

Saverglass management was due to meet Feuquières employees on Thursday October 31 to try to convince them. “I hope they didn't fall for it“, repeats Pascal Vallée.

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