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More than 2.3 million raised for Centraide Richelieu-Yamaska

According to Sylvain Chassé, philanthropic director, “donations continue to come in even if the amount has been announced.” The latter notes, however, that even with this large sum, “we are not meeting demand”.

The social issues in the region are really very great. Homelessness, violence against women, food security, suicide prevention among young people, these are all areas where Centraide invests a lot, but “there is room to do a lot more,” according to Mr. Chassé.

“People say to us “oh you raise a lot of money!” Yes, we collect a lot, but the requests are broader than that,” underlines Mr. Chassé.


Sylvain Chassé, philanthropic director at Centraide Richelieu-Yamaska (Centraide Richelieu-Yamaska)

More than 80,000 people in the territory of Centraide Richelieu-Yamaska ​​have been able to benefit from various services thanks to the involvement of the organization present in the four corners of the province.

“These are people who were able to have access to transportation to the hospital, to meals on wheels, to have access to a suicide prevention line […] And with the cost of food, food banks came to us to say: “Listen, we can’t manage, can you help us buy food?”

— Sylvain Chassé, philanthropic director at Centraide Richelieu-Yamaska

The organizations benefiting from a helping hand from Centraide are chosen by the Analysis and Relations with Organizations Committee (CARO).

Investments and support

From June 1 to 7, it is Quebec Disability Week and Centraide also invests in organizations in the region that promote social inclusion. This is particularly the case for Camp Garagona in Frelighsburg.

Organizations in the region that receive help from Centraide include Le Passant, l’Auberge sous mon toi, ACEF Montérégie-Est and several others.

In the Maskoutain territory, an amount of $75,000 will also be invested in the Maison de la Famille des Maskoutains, a community organization that helps asylum seekers facing precariousness.

Challenges 2024

A challenge for Mr. Chassé for the coming year is to develop campaign cabinets. That is to say, having a Centraide team in each of the regions that the organization serves.

“We want to have ambassadors from Centraide and these people will really be local images for local issues.”

— Sylvain Chassé

He also adds that he wants to develop Centraide’s presence on the ground so that people can identify with it. The organization also has to deal with the lack of manpower and the aging of its volunteer teams.

The new fundraising campaign is expected to begin in fall 2024.

50/50 solidarity

Centraide Richelieu-Yamaska ​​has also launched a new 50/50 lottery online. It is possible to purchase virtual tickets and once a month the draw is carried out among all participants.

50% of the amount is given to the person drawn and the other 50% is given directly to Centraide Richelieu-Yamaska.

This is a way for the organization to help improve the living conditions of vulnerable people in the regions of Acton, Brome-Missisquoi, Haute-Yamaska, Vallée-du-Richelieu, Rouville, and Maskoutains. and Pierre-de-Saurel.

“It’s a recipe that has been proven and popular in other Centraides,” says Mr. Chassé.


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