INFO BFM Marseille Provence. Two individuals sentenced to 14 years in prison for robbery and hostage-taking
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INFO BFM Marseille Provence. Two individuals sentenced to 14 years in prison for robbery and hostage-taking

The criminal court of Aix-en-Provence sentenced two individuals to 14 years in prison. They were tried for the armed robbery of an electronics warehouse during which they tied up the employees.

Two individuals were sentenced to 14 years in prison for armed robbery and hostage-taking in Marseille by the Aix-en-Provence departmental criminal court, following a deliberation on Thursday, September 12, according to information from BFM Marseille Provence. The reclassification as hostage-taking had been requested by the attorney general.

During the hearing, one of the two accused admitted the facts and apologized to the victims. The other declared himself not guilty. One of the two men appealed this decision this Friday morning from the Baumettes prison. A third person was accused.

According to the lawyer of one of the accused, his “client admits to having repaired the van used in the burglary, but denies having participated in the burglary […] “Fixing the robbers’ vehicle does not make him a robber. My client is a street mechanic,” he argued.

Tied up employees

This conviction comes two years after the attack. In the 14th arrondissement of Marseille, on Boulevard Charles-Moretti, several individuals had broken into an electronics warehouse to steal hifi equipment.

The attackers were in possession of a handgun, a butcher’s cleaver and a hammer. They tied up the employees who were on site. None were injured.

The intervention of the BAC then made them flee, forcing them to leave behind a vehicle full of stolen objects.

Cindy Chevaux with Mélanie Hennebique


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