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Health: “Oh my Lot!” offers remedies to combat medical deserts

Twenty-four medical interns, carrying out their internship in the Lot, were welcomed during an evening organized by the Department and the Community of communes Causses and Dordogne Valley. This initiative aimed to attract doctors to the territory and is part of the program “Oh my Lot!”

Every year, welcome evenings dedicated to interns take place in the Lot. The objective is clear: “Make them want to establish themselves as health professionals at the end of their internship or during their career.” The last evening took place at Raymondie Palace in Martel, in the presence of the president of the Department Serge Rigal

. Discover Oh my Lot! The welcome took the form of a guided tour of the village of Martel and a cocktail dinner. “A privileged moment of exchange and conviviality for present to these future doctors the Lot, its quality of life and its opportunities professionals” explain the organizers. And on this occasion, “elected officials, health stakeholders and program representatives Oh my Lot!

therefore did not hesitate to highlight the professional advantages and personal advantages of settling there.”

24 medical interns doing their internship in the Lot were welcomed © Department of the Lot A

“recent collapse of medical density” The ARS Territorial Health Plan 2023-2028 for the Lot noted that “the department’s aging index is the highest in the region and the pyramid of ages significantly older than that of Occitanie.” But nevertheless “the Lot presentsall-cause, premature or avoidable mortality rates significantly lower than those in mainland France
as is the case of Occitanie in its

together.” The complete file: And to notice that “aging medical demographics
(48% of doctors GPs are aged 60 and over) has led to a recent collapse in medical density even though the aging of the population increases its need for care.

Except for nurses, the density of health professionals is generally lower than in Occitanie.”

An attentive welcome from the interns

made the Lot known

to young doctors Departmental care provision
“is characterized by an equipment rate favorable in HAD (hospitalization at home, Editor’s note) and in SSR (follow-up care and rehabilitation)
in full hospitalization, but low in surgery and obstetric gynecology. In MCO(obstetric medicine and surgery) 52% of hospital stays are made outsideof the department but 54% of them take place in Occitanie mainly in

Haute-Garonne and in Tarn-et-Garonne.” And to emphasize that “the Departmental Council is very proactive in the policies of attractiveness of the territory through the approach Oh My Lot! An attentive welcome from the interns made it possible to introduce the Lot to young doctors (…) Promote access to health studies for young people in the region (read below)

and access to health professions throughout professional life is a major issue.”

Philippe MOURET Also present were: Maryse Maury, Vice-President in charge of Elderly and Disabled People .The Causses and Dordogne Valley Community of Communes was represented by Christophe Proença, vice-president of the Department in charge of Attractiveness, Tourism and Sport and president of Cauvaldor as well as Thierry Chartroux, vice-president of Cauvaldorin charge of

Services to the population


Give birth to… vocations! For two years, the Jean Lurçat high school in Saint-Céré has offered its first and final year students an option to prepare them for health studies. Hoped objective: to stem the medical desertification that the department is experiencing. Read the full article from the magazine The Student


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